C64ASM V1.1 - a Commodore 64 (6510) Assembler
Package for PC. C64ASM is an assembler for
6510 CPU, but runs on PC. Supports local &
global symbols, math.expressions, .IF, .GOTO,
.INCLUDE, .INCBIN, detailed report & more.
C64DISA is a disassembler with hexa/ascii
dumps. BAS2TXT converts a tokenized CBM file
to textfile. PRG (C64 binary), T64 and P00
file format support. SHAREWARE by Balint Toth
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  Filez   : 16, New:14.04.96, Old:04.02.9
 UL Node  : 1, Nfo:NONE, Diz:05.02.96