MauBlindTool a freeware (in)utility by Maurizio Campo 
- ver 1.00 XP compatible dec. 2003

create on drive c: a dir call maubtool....  f.e. from command prompt:
>md c:maubtool
unzip (with full pathname) all files in that directory!!!
MaubTool will NOT work on different drive/directory!!!!!

Why MauBlindTool ???

Please try your favorite cheat utility with the example enclosed game: KASBRIK.
Does your favorite cheat utility works with it? If the answer is yes, then you do NOT need MAUBTOOL, but please write me and tell me what is the utility you have used....

Yeah!! Why another game utility when many full-proof game utilities are actually available on the INTERNET?
The difference is really this: the other are full-proof software utilities, while MauBlindTool is NOT at ALL a proof utility!!  The "pure" programmer who may read the source of MauBlindTool, I'm really sure: after looking for the disastrous that the source is, I'm sure, he will suicide hisself..... ;-)
Ok, serious now: a "pure" and "professional" programmer, always refuse a solution who does NOT works 100%, and also is NOT so sure, user friendly and robust......
Unfortunelly, I'm not a pure programmer, and even I think that if a program works only in 90% of the case, it is better than 0%..... ;-)
In other word: MauBlindTool is NOT professional, it does not works at 100%, it will be able in crashing your computer, etc...... BTW, MauBlindTool, will be able in working in some situations where other similiar tool are unable.
F.e. Maublindtool does supports the following "strong" (to cheat) games:
Pandemonium2, Fifa99, Turok 1, X-Wing vs. Tie-fighter, X-Wing Alliance, Andretti Racing, etc.

What's the goal of MauBlindTool?

The major difficult when using cheat utility is that doing to different video card and video mode and drivers, not always is possible switching from the game to the game-utility and correctly restoring the screen, 3dfx card in special way, but also about some new video chip.......
Also some games are Alt-Tab protected, even some cheat utility are Vxd based, so does not works on NT and probabilly even non on Win2000 xp..!!
In all these case, you may still use a game cheat utility, but:
a) You must connect two computer: one is used for the game, and the other for the game utility........
b) You have to connect two vga monitor: one for 3dfx screen, and the other for the game utility.......
c) You have to utilize a second monochrome monitor, exactelly as for debugging  with Softice...........
If you do NOT like this solutions, another possibility exist: you have to load a specifich game trainer BEFORE the game, then running the game, and inside it pressing the hotkey who enable/disable the cheat.
Many utilities does exist who are able in performing the job to create these type of trainer: they are sometimes called "Trainer Construction Kit", or other........
You only have to define the hotkey you wanna activate, a lot of descriptions, etc.....   Unfortunally these type of "Trainer Maker", always require a fundamental data: the address in memory game we wanna patch.........
At this point you need MauBlindTool!!!
In fact MauBlindTool, is NOT a game cheat utility itself: it is only able to obtain this famous memory address, so at this point you may supply it to a "Trainer Maker" to obtaining a real trainer for the game.....
Is It enough clear?
If yes, this means MauBlindTool is useful for you, otherways, you may write to the auther, but believe me: it is better at this point you query the web to look if any other have released a trainer for the game you need...... ;-)

How MauBlindTool works?

Coz the real problem in many game situations is the switch from game screen to game utility, then restoring game screen, MauBlindTool only works in BLIND mode.....
But a pratical example will be more clear:
- first load MauBlindTool and set his parameters, then press start.
- From that moment pressing the hotkey "END" will pass control to MauBlindTool.
- Run the game.
- when you want, INsIDE the game press the MauBlindTool hotkey ("END").
The game will be freeze, at this point you may press (in blind mode)the following 
MauBlindTool key:
"*" num-lock to unpause the game.
"x" to terminate both MauBlindTool and also the game!!
"N" to start a new search
"+" num lock to continuing a search where value have increase
"-" num lock to continuing a search where value have decrease
"E" to continuing a search where value is equal
"D" to continuing a search where value is different
"S" will save on disk on a file cheat.txt the addresses found
"F" will freeze all addresses you have precedent saved with "S"
"U" will unfreeze the address you freezed.....

An example.

01- start MauBlindTool, set the options and press his start button!
02- start the game, supposing f.e. you have got 120 ammo.
03- press "END", the game will be freeze.
04- press "N", a sound will tell you that a new search is started!
05- look at the hard disk led: it will flash indicating that the search is actually performed....    wait, please, it make take very long!!
06- A voice will tell you that "Search is complete", and also the game will be unpaused.
07- Now wait till you ammo decrease f.e. to 112
08- Press "END", the game will be paused.
09- Coz value you are searching for is decrease, now press "-" num lock;
A voices will tell you that search is performed, and again take a look at the hard disk led.... wait please, it make take very, VERY long!!!
10- A voice will tell you that "search is complete", and again the game will be unpaused.
11- Now repeat passes 07 08 09 10, eventually substuting "-" with "+" or with  "E" or "D" based on the situation of your ammo, and at a certain point, if the matched addresses are less then 1000, you'll hear a voice who will tell you f.e. "FOUND!" "one" "seven" "zero", it means at the moment you have found 170 matched addresses!!, etc...
12 - at this point when the game will be again unpaused, press again "END", the game will be paused
13 - If matched are less than 200, you may press "S" this will save all the possible addresses on the file cheat.txt, and the game will be unpaused.
14 - press "END", the game will be paused again.
15 - press "F", this will freeze ALL the adress you have just saved with "S", at this point, looking at the game, you may see that now you have got f.e. infinite ammo.....
16 - Now exit from the game, go and see the file cheat.txt in the Maubtool directory, and you'll find the adresses you have to supply to a Trainer Construction Kit utility to obtaining a stand-alone-trainer for that game...


I'm so lazy... :)   ehm.... so busy!!  ;-))
So I need help:
- To write a real manual for MauBlindTool
- a web page to distribute upgrade
- a good english speaker to re-recorder the wav file.....
  actually I used myself, and it is terrible!!!"£!££!!

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