Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude Saved Photos converter

Do you Want to show your best photos to a friend? In order to achieve this your friend must own the game and take care to not overwrite its photo saved files ( located in VUGamesLeisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum LaudeSaveGames ). 

What about convert this file to bmp? Well this little program does it. The photo size are 256x256 due to texture constraints I presume. But the resulting photo has a ratio w/h of about 1.4. I have chosen a final size of image of 320x228.

Usage of program: In a shell window, tape : "exec folder"

You can copy the exec and the associated dlls inside the directory and tape: "exec ."

If it doesn't work it looks like my saved photos are different from yours....:-(


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