NOTE:  	W32DASM Ver 8.xx Series is designed for
	Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.

Windows NT 3.51 users:

	W32Dasm will load and run in NT 3.51 provided that you
	install the Windows 95 IMAGEHLP.DLL file dated
	10/15/96 in the same directory as w32dsm89.exe.
	The IMAGEHLP.DLL that comes with NT 3.51 will not

	NOTE: Some Dialog control formats are not supported
	      in NT 3.51 and will result in improper control

Windows W32s users:

	W32Dasm may load and run in some configurations of
	Windows 3.11 with W32s but the operation will be

W32Dasm Ver 8.93 Updates:(from Ver 8.5 demo)

1. fixes for MMX and certain 32 and 16 bit instruction decodes.

2. Added Code Patcher Assembler Feature (See Tutorial 11.0 in help file)

3. Added change indicators to the CPU registers and flag displays:

   	* CPU Register that change value from last instruction execute
	  appear as CAPITAL LETTERS ie eax -> EAX

	* CPU flags that changed from last instruction appear as

4. Added checkbox to force all rep instructions to \"STEP THRU\"
   even in \"STEP INTO\" mode.

5. Added enable/disable \"Command Line Option Dialog Box\" in Debugger Options.

6. Added \"LPSYSTEMTIME\" decode in API Details logic.

7. Undocumented New Feature: All Call and Jump Cross Reference Addresses may
	be \"jumped to\" by double right clicking on the reference address. To
	return to the reference, press F12.

8. Undocumented New Feature: There is a new button on the Lower Left Hand
	Debugger Window Display2 that is called \"oper\". This button will
	put the Display 2 Window in a mode that will give computed values
	of the operand/s of the current instruction.

W32DASM Installation Instructions:

1. Create a Directory ie: C:\\W32DASM

2. Put W32DS893.ZIP file in the created directory.

3. Unzip the file.

	unzipped files should include:

		a. w32dsm89.exe {Full Ver 8.91 Executable}
	       #b. w32dasm8.hlp {Help File}
	       #c. w32dapi.lup	{API Details File}
	       #d. PSAPI.DLL	{Required DLL  for NT}
	       #e. IMAGEHLP.DLL	{Required DLL for NT 3.51 only}
		f. install.txt	{This File}

# W32DAPI.LUP, W32DASM8.HLP, & PSAPI.DLL must reside in same
  directory as w32dsm89.exe. If running NT 3.51 also include
  IMAGEHLP.DLL dated 10/15/96 in the same directory as w32dsm89.exe.

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