Imperium Galactika  ³ Released:  ³
      SaVe GaMe    ³ [28/05/97] ³
      Da MoNeY MaXXeR    ³  =SiLvER=  ³
      +16  MiLLioNz      ³  (MosCow)  ³
      QuaLiTy aBoVe Da EdGe MaN.      ³
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Wait for more chtz.. :)
Just launch the patche in your save directory
the patcher will the game in the 1st
slot so be sure to save the one u wanna patch
 DiZ FiLë FÿcKëD CHeaTeRS.DK
  Files    : 3, NeW:08.07.00, oLD:08.07.00
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:29.05.97