UFOSAVED - UFO: Enemy Unknow. Saved game editor



	Just type the new amount and click on Save.  The greatest value is 2147483647.
If you exceed this amount in the game, the number will become negative, so it's better
to use a lower number like 2100000000, which is a good amount.



	To build a structure you just have to  select it in the right-hand buttons and
click on a suitable position in the base screen. If the structure is a hangar you will
have to click on the position that will be the hangar upper-left corner.  To dismantle
one,  you have to click on 'Dismantle' and then on the structure you want to dismantle.
The 'End Construction' button makes all the structures to be automatically finished. A
structure is under construction  when there  is a number on it.  This is the number of
remaining game days to finish the construction.
	You can change the base name  clicking on it and  typing a new one.  Also, you
can modify the number of scientists and engineers on the base with the + and - buttons,
or clicking over the number  and typing the new amount.  To save changes just click on
'Save', or else click on 'Cancel'  to return to the main menu without saving.
	If you place the mouse pointer on one of the base screen icons,  a description
of that structure will be shown in the status bar.


	You can change  any  of  the  soldiers' skills  just clicking  on  the + and -
buttons next to the skill value you want to change, or clicking on the skill value and
typing the new one.  Clicking on 'Get this soldier greatest' the soldier's skills will
change to the recommended highest value.  If you click  on 'Get all soldiers greatest'
all soldiers' will change to that value. You will be able to change the soldier's name
if you click on it and you type a new one.
	You can also open a small soldier list clicking on the down-arrow button. Once
in the list,  you can move across with the arrow buttons.  Then select one soldier and
you will be able to edit him.  If a soldier is wounded the number of days remaining to
recover him  will be shown at the right-hand of the name,  and if the soldier  is dead
that will be shown there  too.  Healing  a  soldier is  as easy  as selecting  him and
clicking on the 'Heal' button which will appear. Also it is possible to return to life
a dead soldier  clicking  on  the 'Return to life' button.  Click  on one of  the four
armour drawings and you will be able to change that soldier's armour.
	If you want to save changes  click on 'Save' but if you  don't want to and you
want to return to the main menu, click on 'Cancel'. Soldiers skills' greatest value is
255 but you should use a lower one because when a soldier changes of rank or makes some
kills, his skill values grow and they may exceed this value so they would turn to 0.
	Also it has been  solved the trouble it  was when  a  soldier's skills grew up
during the game,  which UFOSAVED didn't detect.  Now,  if the value of one of those is
higher than 255 it is cut off by subtracting 255  to it in the way that if it was 257,
for instance, now it will be 2. (This number would appear during the mission)



	This is as easy as you change soldiers' skills.  You just have to click on the
+ and - buttons at the right-hand of the item or  click on the amount of that item and
type a new one.  Using the up and down arrow buttons  and  the gliding bar you will be
able to move the item list up or down  allowing you to change the  amount of the other
items. Saving is done in the same way as when you're editing bases.



UFOSAVED has the following command-line options:

	/LANGUAGE Language

This parameter changes the  language UFOSAVED will be in. You can  choose one of these
three languages: English, español and deutsche. Sample: UFOSAVED /LANGUAGE English

	/LOAD game_number

This allows you to select the saved game you are going to edit and enter directly into
the main menu. For instance: UFOSAVED /LOAD 3   will load the saved game number 3.


It will remove UFOSAVED and all its files from the disk.



	You can use this editor from the keyboard if you have problems with the mouse.
Arrow keys will move the  mouse pointer along the screen.  To do a "click" you'll have
to press the Right Control key.



	To contact me send an e-mail to:
		       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

	Visit my Internet Website:

	You can also download this editor from The Adrenaline Vault:



	- Fix damaged crafts.
	- Copy & paste in soldier editor, base and stores.
	- 'Random close to the highest' feature and 'All soldiers like this one'.
	- Posibility to skip "0-day facilities bug". It made unfinished buildings not to
	  be linked to the rest when aliens raid the base.
	- Bases not built now have their button blotted out.
	- Brown and blue colors have changed a few to make them more natural.



	THE AUTHOR WON'T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAMAGE this  editor  could do to saved
games if it isn't used properly. THERE ISN'T any kind of WARRANTY. It's better to make
a back up of saved games before using this editor for care.

	UFO: Enemy unknow. (C) Microprose, 1993
	UFOSAVED. (C) Víctor Fernández Martínez, 1996-2000		  Release 2.30

 FiLeS    : 8, NeW:14.09.00, oLD:19.06.00
          : iNFo:15.08.00, DiZ:NONE