Game Editor for Druid: Daemons Of The Mind
by David Melanson, using J.Hartman's UGE v 1.0

        Druid: Daemons of the Mind is a cool 3/4 screen perspective
game, run in SVGA.  It features a neat little magic system (four, or
five really, elements used in the right order and amounts create a
spell).  It can also be a pain when you start off with only 8 "body"
points and just about anything can kill you.  While Sir-Tech managed
to make the game difficult to edit, I did manage to hack into the
saved game information a bit with Jack Hartman's Universal Game Editor
version 1.0.  There's not much you can edit in this game, but it's
enough to make your character a juggernaut anyway.
        For those of you unfamiliar with my previous work with UGE,
check out my website at
and choose the "UGE Page" option.  On there, you'll find this module,
plus modules for Might and Magic IV and V, Ravenloft:Strahd's Possession,
Menzoberranzen, Realms Of Arkania II: Star Trail, Shadowcaster, 
Stonekeep (!), One Must Fall 2097, and Castle Of The Winds.  I charge
no registration fee for any of these modules, but I do ask that you
register UGE with Jack Hartman if you plan to use any of my stuff.  It's
a great program, and well worth the effort.
        Enough plugging my site, let's get on with it...

        Fire up UGE, and create a new item on your module list for Druid.
Choose your saved game by selecting either save.1, save.2, or save.3 in
your DRUID directory.  Then just choose the "Druid" (or whatever you called
it) menu option, and prepare to edit your character.
        Your character only has a few attributes, really...Strength,
Speed, Body, Mind, Level, and Experience.  Level operates directly as
a function of Experience, so changing Level does you no good.  Here's what
you can do with the module:

        Strength, Speed, and Body are all controlled by the same fields.
There are two fields for this; Current and Maximum.  Obviously, setting
Current higher than Maximum is NOT a good idea.  In addition, Sir-Tech
has coded these variables to only respond to certain numeric values.
Entering something here that does not match an acceptable value will cause
the game to lock up when loading.  In addition, when you reboot (no choice)
you will have to delete the saved game!  Even just setting it back to what
it was before does no good...the game will still lock up.  So, always make
a backup copy of your save files if you want to experiment with these
values.  The only values I know work for sure are multiples of 400, through
the following formula:

        Strength=Body=(50x(value/400)), Speed=(12.5x(value/400)).

        In case that doesn't make any sense, consider this example.  You
enter, say, 1600 in both Current and Maximum (400x4).  So, your resultant
stat values would be Strength=Body=(50x(1600/400))=(50x4)=200, and
Speed=(12.5x4)=50.  This makes for a pretty powerful 1st level character!
I've set this as high as 4000 (Strength, Body=500, Speed=125) without
incident, but I do know it craps out before you hit a Body/Strength of
1000, so don't set it TOO high.  Besides, at 500/125/500, not much is
going to be able to hurt you, anyway!

        Next up are Mind Points, both Current and Maximum.  The values in
these fields are not pre-set values (thank whoever), but are instead just
Mind points, multiplied by two.  So if you enter 1000 in each of these, when
you restore your game, your character will have 500 Mind points.  WARNING:
cause the game to crash if you do.  This isn't too bad a stipulation; all 
you have to do is kill one of the green things on the initial screen, then
walk off the screen.  You'll appear in a library; click on the books till
you find one that says "A Celtic Miscellany."  Look at it in inventory,
and you'll find the Mind Gem.  Click that on your amulet, and then you can
safely edit your Mind points.

        Then we have the number of coins you carry.  You'll note you always
have a number of coins in your inventory, even if that number happens to be
zero.  With this, you can set it to however many you need, with some limits,
of course.  I've set it to 500 with no ill effects, but 1000 seems to kill
the game, so I don't know where the cutoff limit is.  500 coins is enough
to buy most anything in the game anyway.

        Finally, we have experience.  The higher your level, the better
you are at whatever you do...sure, swinging that axe with a strength of
500 massacres anything in the path, but with a higher level, you'll swing
it even better.  Setting this value to 20,000 gets you to level 7 in an
instant.  I don't know where this value kills the crapped out
when I set it to 100,000, though, so be careful.

        This may not seem like much to edit, but with just these fields
changed, you can defeat just about anything in the game, if you've got
the patience.  I welcome any comments, questions, or complaints at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., but requests.  I don't have every game out
there, and not every game is editable!  Good luck!  And watch out for
new modules to come in the future!


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