Clouds Of Xeen Game Editor Modules
 Modules #1-#7 by D.Melanson
 Based on U.G.E. 1.0 by Hartman Utilities


(Using UGE...Thanks VERY Much to Mr. Hartman!)

1.> Load up the "modifier" you want  There are seven modules:

        a.) Character Basics (Name, Stats, Level, XP, HP, SP, Condition)
        b.) Character Skills and Resists (Skills, Guild Members, Resistance)
        c.) Weapons (Attributes & Types for all 9 weapon slots)
        d.) Armor (Attributes & Types for all 9 armor slots)
        e.) Accessories (Attributes & Types for all 9 accessory slots)
        f.) Miscellaneous (Attributes, Types, Charges for all Misc slots)
        g.) Party Info (Location, Time, Money, Gems, Food)

(Note: Doubtless the casual user will yelp, "WHY SO MANY MODULES?"  Yes,
normally UGE's modules don't need to be QUITE so spread out.  However,
Clouds of Xeen's Saved Game format is a little weird in that it not only 
saves info on all present party members, but on 24 other "slots" which
are available for creation in any tavern!  Not only that, but it is 
unlikely that your six party members will actually occupy slots 1-6;
therefore, it became necessary to make variables for ALL 30 SLOTS!  Anyone
who's played with UGE before knows what this means to a game with THIS many

2.> Modify your saved game (default is "XEEN01.SAV," choose M from the games
list to change which saved game to change around) with whatever changes you
need to make.  Then exit UGE & run Xeen again...your changes should be in
effect if you restore the game you modified!  That's all there is to it!

(WARNING: THIS DOES HAVE LIMITS.  As you can't save a game IN combat, you
can't make sudden changes if you're caught in a combat in which you're
clearly in a lot of trouble.  Try running away...if you do that successfully,
you can turn the tables pretty easily...EVEN IF ANY OF YOUR CHARACTERS GETS
ONE character is still alive, plenty of changes can be made!)



        Search through the 30 "slots" until you find the name of the
character you want to modify.  Yes, you can change names, too...up to 10
letters.  I did NOT allow class/race changes, due to the way that'd screw
up a lot of other things.  Listed in the changable things are each 
characters' Ability Scores (Mgt, Int, Per, End, Spd, Acc, Lck)...each of
these can be set at least over 200.  I haven't found the range where it'll
crap out yet, but I know it does eventually, so be careful.  Also, you have
the character's Level; you can set this up to 255, although I don't know
if the game'll crap out if you go that high.  I know I've put it up over
100 before, though.  Level adjusts XP automatically, but if you prefer to
take the training route, you can adjust XP to well over 2,000,000,000...
provided you can find somewhere to train.  As the highest level you can
train to in Clouds is 20th, I'm not sure that's such a good idea.  The
levels for HP and SP are "Current" levels; these do NOT affect your normal
"maximum," rather just what you have "now" in the game.  "Maximum" levels
are set by the game through an interpretation of the Level stat.
        The remaining features for each slot are possible problems you could
run across in the game, and ways to fix them.  For example "Unnat. Age" is
the number of years of UNNATURAL aging your character has suffered (whether
hit by an Undead or affected by a special item or even casting a Divine
Intervention spell).  Set this to 0 and all unnatural aging disappears!  Same
with most of the others...the number shown is the "minus" your character
suffers as a result of his or her condition.  Set each to 0 to eliminate the
condition.  And yes, there are flags to remove Unconscious, Dead, Stoned 
(no, not drugged out, TURNED TO STONE!), and even Eradicated!  Talk about
a savings on Temple know how much it costs to revive an
Eradicated 100th level character?


        With this module, you can set the flags that determine whether or
not your character has certain skills, as well as the level your character
has of certain resistances.  Setting any of the "Skill" (Arms Master, etc)
values to 1 enables your character to use the skill!  And yes, that means
you can have a Paladin with Thievery! (Weird concept, but neat).  By the
way, Thievery is based on class and level, so you can't change your Thievery
SCORE without changing your level.  Ability, yes.  Score, no.
        For the most part, I did NOT include Awards; you miss out on a lot
of the game if you don't go get 'em yourself.  The only one I DID include is
the one BAD one..."Convicted Thief."  If you're dumb enough to let a 
character WITHOUT Thievery skill try to steal from the Blacksmith's display
cases, setting this value back to 0 will erase the "black mark" on your
record.  Now if only real life were like that.  Too bad you still lost a
year in jail, but, hey, you earned it!  The other awards I included are the
memberships in the Guilds in the six towns (Vertigo, Nightshadow, Rivercity,
Asp, Winterkill, and Shangri-La).  As all of these but Shangri-la cost money,
it's just a little time saver for the smart spell shopper.
        The remaining spots are your resistances to Fire, Cold, Electricity,
Poison, Energy, and Magic.  Near as I can figure, these directly subtract
their values from any damage of the appropriate type you take from certain
attacks or hostile environments.  They can also be set pretty high, at least
well over 50, but I haven't figured out the absolute maximum yet.


        Once again, just jump to any character you want to modify.  Your
equipment list can hold up to 9 "weapon" items.  Pick a slot, and choose
whatever you want.  Going into the Dragon Cave?  Gee, an Obsidian Long Bow
and Great Axe, both with Dragon Slayer capabilities, would come in PRETTY
HANDY, now, wouldn't they?
        Each "Weapon" slot has three fields you can modify...Attributes
(Attr.), Weapon Type (Type), and Other.  Choose the number that corresponds
to each of what you want.  Weapon Types are listed below in Table 1.    
Attributes are listed below in Table 5.  Other factors are listed below in
Table 6.


        Exactly the same as Weapons, modifies the armor slots,
and you CANNOT use the "1-6" options for additional abilities for the
armor piece; they can ONLY be used for repairing Cursed or Broken items.
        Armor types are listed below in Table 2.


        Yep.  Exactly the same as Armor, modifies the Accessory
slots.  Accessory types are listed below in Table 3.


        A little different this time.  Once again, this modifies the slots
for Miscellaneous equipment.  This time, howver, the first number is the
equipment TYPE, the second is the ABILITY, and the third is "Other."  Once
again, if Other is set from 64 to 127, it's "cursed," and if it's set from
128+, it's "broken."  Settings from 0 to 63 indicate the CHARGES the 
particular item holds.  Miscellaneous types are listed below in Table 5.
A list of available "powers" is contained in Table 7.


        This is the "leftovers," or the stuff that applies to the entire
party, rather than just one particular member.  Strangely enough, these are
some of the most popular things to change!
        The first three items, X Coordinate, Y Coordinate, and Location, 
are the three variables that determine where you are on the World of Xeen
map.  The "location" variable can be set anywhere from 1 to 85; the values
for these locations are shown in Table 8.  X and Y are the "x=" and "y=" 
coordinates shown when you pull up the map function from the regular party
interface menu.  Note: Please be careful when using this function.  If you
aren't careful, you might wind up teleporting yourself into the Void, or
into a wall.  Either or these is NOT good for the program, nor for your
character's continued existances.  I recommend you make some maps before
using this feature TOO much, especially when teleporting into relatively
dangerous areas like the Volcano and Dragon Caves.
        Food is the number of pieces of food you have on you.  Divide this
by the number of conscious party members for each meal, and you can figure
out how many days the party can go on it.  Values shouldn't be set much over
1000; the program tends to crap out when you go a bit higher than that.
        Gold In Party, Gold In Bank, Gems In Party, Gems In Bank-Exactly
what each says.  Recommend you put a good amount in the bank; interest is a
wonderful thing.  You can plug in numbers up over a billion in each without
a problem, but I'm not sure if there is an upper limit.  And no, I don't
know how six people lug around a billion gold pieces, but they do.  Maybe
they have a portable hole (sorry, old AD&D reference).
        Finally, a truly bizarre feature called "Minutes Past Midnight."
This affects time of day.  Now, of course, some will ask, "WHY?"  Easy.
Let's say you're at Nightshadow, in front of the Count's coffin.  It only
can be opened at midnight.  It's only 8:30 a.m., and you REALLY don't want
to hang around here forever.  Well, save your game, set this variable to
zero, and when you return, BOOM!  It's midnight!  Another example?  Okay,
let's say you're deep in the Clouds of Xeen themselves, and you suddenly
realize it's 7:57 a.m.  You're miles from the exit and didn't set up a
Lloyd's Beacon.  In three "steps," your Levitation spell wears off and  
you'll plummet to your death (or at least, maiming) below.  Save your game,
and set the clock back about an hour or so.  Plenty of time to get back!

                        Now for the info tables:

TABLE 1: Weapon Types:

(1 handed)

1.Long Sword    2.Short Sword   3.Broad Sword   4.Scimitar      5.Cutlass
6.Sabre         7.Club          8.Hand Axe      9.Katana        10.Nunchakas
11.Wakazashi    12.Dagger       13.Mace         14.Flail        15.Cudgel
16.Maul         17.Spear


18. Bardiche    19. Glaive      20. Halberd     21.Pike         22.Flamberge
23. Trident     24. Staff       25. Hammer      26. Naginata    27.BattleAxe
28. Grand Axe   29. Great Axe


30. Short Bow   31. Long Bow    32. Crossbow    33. Sling

TABLE 2: Armor Types:

1. Robes        2. Scale Mail   3. Ring Mail    4. Chain Mail   5.Splint Mail
6. Plate Mail   7. Plate Armor  8. Shield       9. Helm         10. Boots
11. Cloak       12. Cape        13. Gauntlets

TABLE 3: Accesory Types:

1. Ring         2. Belt         3. Broach       4. Medal        5. Charm
6. Cameo        7. Scarab       8. Pendant      9. Necklace     10. Amulet

TABLE 4: Miscellaneous Item Types:

1. Rod          2. Jewel        3. Gem          4. Box          5. Orb
6. Horn         7. Coin         8. Wand         9. Whistle      10. Potion
11. Scroll

TABLE 5: Attributes List: (For use w/Weapons, Armor, Accessories)

1.Burning       2.Fiery         3.Pyric         4.Fuming        5.Flaming
6.Seething      7.Blazing       8.Scorching
9.Flickering    10.Sparking     11.Static       12.Flashing     13.Shocking
14.Electric     15.Dyna
16.Icy          17.Frost        18.Freezing     19.Cold         20.Cryo
21.Acidic       22.Venomous     23.Poisonous    24.Toxic        25.Noxious
26.Glowing      27.Incandescent 28.Dense        29.Sonic        30.Power
31.Thermal      32.Radiating    33.Kinetic
34.Mystic       35.Magical      36.Ectoplasmic
37.Wooden       38.Leather      39.Brass        40.Bronze       41.Iron
42.Silver       43.Steel        44.Gold         45.Platinum     46.Glass
47.Coral        48.Crystal      49.Lapis        50.Pearl        51.Amber
52.Ebony        53.Quartz       54.Ruby         55.Emerald      56.Sapphire
57.Diamond      58.Obsidian

59.Might        60.Strength     61.Warrior      62.Ogre         63.Giant
64.Thunder      65.Force        66.Power        67.Dragon       68.Photon
69.Clever       70.Mind         71.Sage         72.Thought      73.Knowledge
74.Intellect    75.Wisdom       76.Genius
77.Buddy        78.Friendship   79.Charm        80.Personality  81.Charisma
82.Leadership   83.Ego          84.Holy
85.Quick        86.Swift        87.Fast         88.Rapid        89.Speed
90.Wind         91.Accelerator  92.Velocity
93.Sharp        94.Accurate     95.Marksman     96.Precision    97.True
99.Clover       100.Chance      101.Winners     102.Luck        103.Gamblers
(Hit Points)
105.Vigor       106.Health      107.Life        108.Troll       109.Vampyric
(Spell Points)
110.Spell       111.Castors     112.Witch       113.Mage        114.Archmage
(Armor Class)
116.Protection  117.Armored     118.Defender    119.Stealth     120.Divine
121.Mugger      122.Burglar     123.Looter      124.Brigand     125.Filch
126.Thief       127.Rogue       128.Plunderer   129.Criminal    130.Pirate

TABLE 6: Other:

1.Dragon Slayer         2.Undead Eater          3.Golem Smasher 
4.Bug Zapper            5.Monster Masher        6.Beast Bopper
If the number for "Other" does not read 0 and the item has been Cursed,
Broken, etc...setting it back to 0 (or from the above list) will return it
to "normal."  

Settings of 1-6 on Weapons indicate suffixes, as above.
Settings of 1-63 on Miscellaneous indicate Charges (you can set # up to 63)
Settings of 64-127 indicate that the item is Cursed.  
Settings of 128+ indicate that the item is Broken.

TABLE 7: Powers: (For Miscellaneous Items Only...)

1. Light                2. Awakening            3. Magic Arrows         
4. First Aid            5. Fists                6. Energy Blasts 
7. Sleeping             8. Revitalization       9. Curing
10. Sparking            11. Shrapmetal          12. Insect Repellant
13. Toxic Clouds        14. Elemental Prot.     15. Pain
16. Jumping             17. Beast Control       18. Clairvoyance
19. Undead Turning      20. Levitation          21. Wizard Eyes
22. Blessing            23. Monster Identify    24. Lightning
25. Holy Bonuses        26. Power Curing        27. Nature's Cures
28. Beacons             29. Shielding           30. Heroism
31. Hypnotism           32. Water Walking       33. Frost Biting
34. Monster Finding     35. Fireballs           36. Cold Rays
37. Antidotes           38. Acid Spraying       39. Time Distortion
40. Dragon Sleep        41. Vaccination         42. Teleportation
43. Death               44. Free Movement       45. Golem Stopping
46. Poison Volleys      47. Deadly Swarms       48. Shelter
49. Daily Protection    50. Daily Sorcery       51. Feasting
52. Fiery Flails        53. Recharging          54. Freezing
55. Town Portals        56. Stone To Flesh      57. Raising The Dead
58. Etherealization     59. Dancing Swords      60. Moon Rays
61. Mass Distortion     62. Prismatic Light     63. Enchant Item
64. Incinerating        65. Holy Words          66. Resurrection
67. Storms              68. Megavoltage         69. Infernos
70. Sun Rays            71. Implosions          72. Star Bursts
73. of the GODS! (Divine Intervention)

TABLE 8: Available (Valid) "Locations:"

1. A1           2. A2           3. A3           4. A4           5. B1
6. B2           7. B3           8. B4           9. C1           10. C2
11. C3          12. C4          13. D1          14. D2          15. D3
16. D4          17. E1          18. E2          19. E3          20. E4
21. F1          22. F2          23. F3          24. F4         
25. Witch Clouds        26. High Magic Clouds   27. Clouds of XEEN
28. Vertigo             29. Nightshadow         30. Rivercity
31. Asp                 32. Winterkill          33. Dwarf Mine 1
34. Dwarf Mine 2        35. Dwarf Mine 3        36. Dwarf Mine 4
37. Dwarf Mine 5        38. Deep Mine Alpha     39. Deep Mine Theta
40. Deep Mine Kappa     41. Deep Mine Omega     42. Cave of Illusion Level 1
43. Cave of Illusion Level 2    44. Cave of Illusion Level 3
45. Cave of Illusion Level 4    46. Volcano Cave Level 1
47. Volcano Cave Level 2        48. Volcano Cave Level 3
49. Shangri-La          50. Dragon Cave         51. Witch Tower Level 1
52. Witch Tower Level 2 53. Witch Tower Level 3 54. Witch Tower Level 4
55. Tower of High Magic Level 1         56. Tower of High Magic Level 2
57. Tower of High Magic Level 3         58. Tower of High Magic Level 4
59. Darzog's Tower Level 1              60. Darzog's Tower Level 2
61. Darzog's Tower Level 3              62. Darzog's Tower Level 4
63. Burlock Dungeon             64. Castle Burlock Level 1
65. Castle Burlock Level 2      66. Castle Burlock Level 3
67. Basenji Dungeon             68. Castle Basenji Level 1
69. Castle Basenji Level 2      70. Castle Basenji Level 3
71. Newcastle Dungeon           72. Newcastle Foundation
73. Newcastle Level 1           74. Newcastle Level 2
75. Xeen's Castle Level 1       76. Xeen's Castle Level 2
77. Xeen's Castle Level 3       78. Xeen's Castle Level 4
79. Ancient Temple of Yak       80. Tomb of a 1000 Terrors
81. Golem Dungeon               82. Northern Sphinx Body
83. North Sphinx Head           84. North Sphinx Dungeon
85. The Warzone

MADE ON YOUR HARD DRIVE.  These places are: The Southern Sphinx, The Dragon
Tower, Darkstone Tower, and (My favorite) The Dungeon Of Death!  So, since
this program was designed to work only with Clouds Of Xeen, PLEASE do NOT
try to warp into any of those areas, or you'll hit nothing but void space
and a probable crash.  Enough said, I hope)

        So, basically, that's how the seven modules work.  If you've got
any questions, comments, flames, whatever, please send 'em to:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  In the meantime, see ya...

                                        -Dave M.

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