One Must Fall: 2097 Tournament Editor
Created w/Jack Hartman's Universal Game Editor v 1.0
OMFTRANS.EXE written by Megaton/HaI

        One Must Fall: 2097 is a futuristic robot-fighting game, featuring
some very nice animation and moves...and sometimes, it's pretty hard to
get through.  With this editor module, you will be able to edit many
aspects of your robot in Tournament Mode.
        For those of you unfamiliar with some of my other UGE module work,
I have designed so far modules for Clouds Of Xeen, Ravenloft: Strahd's
Possession, Menzoberranzen, Dark Legions, Shadowcaster, Realms Of Arkania II:
Star Trail, and Stonekeep.  All of these are available from my web site at:

        (Choose the UGE page link once you get there.)

        The OMF .CHR files (your character) are encoded.  Fortunately
enough, Megaton designed a file called OMFTRANS.EXE, which decodes the file
into something that could be edited with UGE.  After the new file is
edited, OMFTRANS can take the file and change it BACK into a valid .CHR
file.  So, the procedure is something like this:
        1.> Save OMF game.  Put OMFTRANS.EXE into the OMF directory.
        2.> Exit to DOS, type OMFTRANS (character name).CHR FILE.EXT (you can
call the outfile...FILE.EXT in this case...anything you want).
        3.> Fire up UGE, set up the OMF module...with FILE.EXT as the file
you want to modify
        4.> Make any changes you see fit.
        5.> Exit UGE.
        6.> Go to the OMF directory, and type OMFTRANS FILE.EXT (character
name).CHR.  It should translate it back
        7.> Run OMF and choose tournament mode.  Your changes should be

        Here's what you can do with this module:

        You may notice there are "your" character's fields, plus fields for
28 other characters (your opponents).  You can modify all of their attributes
as well...this gives you the capability to edit the skills of all of your
opponents in tournaments 1, 2, and 3, or all RANKED opponents in the
World Championship Tournament.  If any character's name appears as a line
of gibberish, do NOT attempt to modify it, or you will cause a game crash.
That line of nonsense indicates there is no character in that slot, and
making one will undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble.
        In your character's case, you can change the character's name.
You can change number of wins and losses.  Changing current rank in the
tournament causes problems, because it's pretty much guaranteed someone
else has that rank in the don't do it.  It's just there for
show (or, after you kick everybody's butt, you can rank yourself down the
bottom again and fight your way all the way back up again!)
        Robot Type is the type of robot your character currently fights
with.  Robot type is determined by the chart shown in Table 1 below.  The
next three fields are a bit confusing, due to the file structure of the
game.  The first field controls Arm Power, Leg Power, and Arm Speed. (Note:
Certain 'bots have different names for these fields; they all do about the
same thing, though).  This number is calculates as follows: Each character's
'bot starts off with a "1" in Arm Power, Leg Power, and Arm Speed.  The
number in this field calculates the ADDITIONS to those "1's" as follows:
Each addition of 1 to Arm Speed adds 1024 to this number.  Each addition of
1 to Leg Power adds 32 to this number.  Each addition of 1 to Arm Power adds
1 to this number.  So...the number 2145 here would indicate: (2145=2x1024+
3x32+1)= an increase of 2 to Arm Speed, an increase of 3 to Leg Power, and
an increase of 1 to Arm Power, yielding (with the original 1 ranks) a total
of Arm Speed: 3, Leg Power: 4, Arm Power: 2.  Confused?  You'll get used to
        The second field works in exactly the same way, except that each
1024 adds one to Stun Resistance, each 32 adds one to Armor, and each 1
adds one to Leg Speed.  The third field covers power and agility...each
128 adds one to Power, and each 1 adds one to Agility.  The next field is
a straight number and covers enhancements to Endurance (maximum 24 can be
put in this field).
        Money is listed in K$.  I'm not sure what the max is on this, but
it's over 6,000,000 K$, which is plenty to buy nearly anything in the game.
Then you have your primary, secondary, and third robot body colors.  You
can customize these, using the table of colors provided in Table 2, below.
        After that, you have your opponent's stars-Name, Winds, Losses,
Rank, Robot Type, and Stats.  Go ahead.  Make 'em all pushovers.  You know
you want to.

        Table 1: Robot Type

0=Jaguar        1=Shadow        2=Thorn         3=Pyros         4=Electra
5=Katana        6=Shredder      7=Flail         8=Gargoyle      9=Chronos
10=Nova (OUCH!)

        Table 2: Color Table

0=Light Blue    1=Red   2=Cyan  3=Light Magenta 4=Dark Yellow   5=Dark Blue
6=Orange        7=White 8=Dark Gray     9=Black 10=Light Gray
11=Light Orange 12=Dark Orange  13=Light Yellow 14=Dark Magenta
15=Light Cyan   16=Default Pilot Color.

        Well, that's really about it for this module...good luck and good
fighting.  I welcome any comments or suggestions, but requests.  
Not every game is editable, and I don't have every game out there.  Send 
anything you'd like to say to my e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  Files    : 4, NeW:NONE, oLD:NONE
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:NONE