The Universal Game Editor Module for REALMS OF ARKANIA 3
by Dave Melanson, using Jack Hartman's Universal Game Editor 1.0

	Hi again, PC gaming buffs, and welcome to UGE module #29
created by me using Jack Hartman's UGE base program.  Other
modules you may (or may not) have seen include Stonekeep, Diablo,
Anvil of Dawn, Daggerfall, Lords Of The Realm 2, etc...

	All of the modules I've created are free of registration
charge, but I do ask that all users of the modules please register
the base program with Jack Hartman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
FIRST: How to set up UGE.  To accomplish this, I've lifted a couple
questions from the UGE FAQ I've written:

Q: "How do I set up Universal Game Editor?"

A: First, create a directory on your hard drive to hold the programs. Then use PKUNZIP version 2.04g or
better...or WinZIP uncompress the UGE10.ZIP file into the new directory. If you want to use a plug-in
module, also use the same program(s) to uncompress the zipped module file into the same directory.

Q: "Will Universal Game Editor work in Windows 95?"

A: Yes, it will work in Windows 95 without a problem. Just set up a Shortcut to UGE.EXE.

Q: "How do I install a plug-in module?"

A: Start up UGE. You have to Add the game to the main menu screen (blue) that appears. As that suggests, press
the "A" key. A red box will appear on the right. Type the name of the game in there and press Enter (actually,
you can type anything you like; it won't matter, but typing the name of the game just might be useful for
identifying it later on!) Now a list of files with the extension ".mdl" will appear in a box on the right. (There will
also be one called "**New File**," which you DON'T want to choose right now...later, if you decide to create
your own modules, this will be very useful).

Use the arrow keys to highlight the file that says GAMENAME.MDL, where GAMENAME, once again, is the
name of the game (or an abbreviation or approximation), then press Enter. Now you should see a directory listing
of your hard drive in the box on the right. Use your arrow keys to select the file you wish to edit, in the following

Use the arrow keys to highlight the directory where the actual GAME (NOT U.G.E!!) is stored on the hard drive.
Press Enter. Now scroll up and down the list and look for a saved game file...usually, the module's instructions will
tell you the name of the file to look for (so read the instructions) but as a general rule, the file formats take one of
several forms: 

     If you saved a game with a specific name, you may see that name followed by a three digit extension (for
     example, you named a saved game WALKING, then you might see WALKING.SAV or WALKING.DAT
     or something similar...that's your saved game file). 
     Maybe there is a separate directory for saved games...usually, this'll be named SAVES or SAVEGAME or
     GAMES or something like that...go into that by highlighting it, then pressing Enter...and then keep looking. 
     Sometimes games are saved with numeric extensions that indicate which "slot" they are saved in...for
     example, let's say a game has a "Save Game" screen with ten available slots for games. When you save to
     the first slot, you create, say, a game called GAME.001, or GAME0.SAV, or something like that. When
     you save the game to the SECOND slot, you create a file called GAME.002, or GAME1.SAV, or
     something like that. Some games start numbering with 1, some with 0. It's a matter of which game you're
     Still other games save a series of game files in a numeric subdirectory...for example, let's say a game has
     ten subdirectories called SAVE01, SAVE02, SAVE03, SAVE10. Inside THOSE directories are the
     saved game files for the various slots...once again, these work the same way as a numeric extension-ed
     game that, if you save a game in the first "slot" of the saved game screen, the files you want to
     modify would be in the SAVE01 subdirectory. If you save in the second slot, the files would be in the
     SAVE02 subdirectory. 


	When you save a game in Realms Of Arkania III, you can give it
a name, and it will be given the extension .SAV  The file you want to
modify will be in the GAMES subdirectory of your RIVA directory,
and will have the name you gave the game followed by the extension 
.SAV  For example, if you saved your game with the name "TESTING,"
the file you would want to modify would be TESTING.SAV.

Okay, what IS all this stuff, anyway?

	For each of the six characters in your party (3 are covered in
the first module [ROA3_1.MDL] and the other three in the second 
[ROA3_2.MDL]), you can modify just about everything...

"Name" obviously changes character name.  Not a big deal, but
useful to keep track of who's who.  
"Class" controls what profession your character has (see Table 1 
below for a list of classes).  
"Sex" controls...yeah, you guessed it.  Set this to 0 to be male and
1 to be female.
"Height (cm)" is your character's height in centimeters
"Weight (oz)" is your character's weight in ounces

	[Note on the above two fields: go ahead.  Create a character
named Kate Moss with a height of 200 cm and a weight of 50 oz.  I dare

"Deity" controls what god (or goddess) your character worships.  The
list of deities appears in Table 2 below (THE NAMELESS GOD!  YEAH!)

"Level" and "Experience" control your character's "experience level"
(duh) the ROA3 manual for more details on that.

The next few fields are your "Normal" and "Current" values for all
of your ability scores and all of your 'vulnerabilities.'  See the
ROA 3 rules for limits on these (although setting all the 
"vulnerabilities" to 2 might be useful...)

Then we have four fields detailing current and maximum life and astral
points.  Obviously, if your character isn't a spell caster, astral
points are not important.

The next fields, from "Unarmed" to "Perception," are character skills.
You can easily make yourself a master of every form of skill in the

Following that are the spell fields...your skills in all of the game's
spells, from "Domination" up to "Calm Storm."  Note: if your character
is not a spell caster type, setting these differently will make no
difference; you still won't be able to cast spells with that character.

The next fields refer to the on-body inventory slots (the ones that
appear when you pull down the "Scroll" on the character sheet).

Following THAT are the "Item 1" and "Num Item 1" pairs.  These control
the sixteen other inventory slots.  Representative values for all 
available inventory items for both these and the on-body slots appear
in Table 3 below.  The "Num Item 1" fields control, for applicable
items, the number of items of that type that appear in the slot (i.e.
arrows, certain herbs, etc)

Finally, you have a field called "LOAD."  This determines the total
weight your character is carrying.  So, if you think toting around
those fifteen suits of platemail armor may be bad for your endurance
levels, go ahead and set your Load to 0.

The very last field in the first module, "total party money,"
controls the total amount of money the characters have accessible
is the total number of copper pieces available to the party.  
Every 10 copper pieces you set here gives you one silver piece, and
every 10 silver pieces you set here gives you one gold,
setting this value to 382 would give your party a total of 3 Gold
Ducats, 8 silver pieces, and 2 copper pieces.  This field does not
appear in the second module.


1=Jester/She-Jester	2=Hunter/Huntress	3=Warrior/She-Warrior
4=Rogue/She-Rogue	5=Thorwalian		6=Dwarf/Dwarvess
7=Warlock/Witch		8=Druid/Druidess	9=Magician/Magicienne
10=Green Elves		11=Ice Elves		12=Silvan Elves


1=Praois	2=Rondra	3=Efferd	4=Travia
5=Boron		6=Hesinde	7=Firum		8=Tsa
9=Phex		10=Peraine	11=Ingerimm	12=Rahja
13=Swafnir	14=Ifirn	15=The Nameless God

(Note: Items with a (#) after them make use of the "Num Of Item 1" 
fields.  All other items should leave that field as a "0")

1=Sword		2=Cudgel	3=Sabre		4=Knife
5=Spear		6=Short Sword	7=Ghuld		8=Hatchet
9=Short Bow	10=Arrow (#)	11=War Axe	12=Crossbow
13=Bolt (#)	14=Dagger	15=Iron Shield	16=Francesca
17=Throwing Star (#)	18=2-Handed Sword	19=Longbow
20=Morningstar	21=Obsidian Dagger	22=Torch	23=Beer
24=Grappling Hook	25=Lantern	26=Crowbar	27=Hammer
28=Fishing Hook	29=Book	30=Waterskin	31=Glass Flask	32=Rope Ladder
33=Throwing Axe	34=Brass Mirror	35=Lockpicks	36=Writing Utensils
37=Harp		38=Drinking Horn	39=Silver Jewelry
40=Pitons (#)	41=Oil	42=Bronze Flask	43=Iron Helmet	44=Pike
45=Rations (#)	46=Flute	47=Alchemy Set	48=Shirt	
49=Pants	50=Shoes	51=Boots	52=Snowshoes
53=Leather Harness	54=Scale Armor	55=Shurin Bulb Poison
56=Arax Poison	57=Fear Poison	58=Sleeping Poison	59=Golden Glue
60=4-leaf Loneberry (#)	61=Whirlweed(#)	62=Festering Toadstool (#)
63=Gulmond Leaf	64=Farnele	65=Torch (Not Lit)	66=Mace
67=Epee	68=Foil	69=Quarterstaff	70=Crystal Ball	71=Whip	72=Blanket
73=Shovel	74=Gold Jewelry	75=Green Robe	76=Orange Robe
77=Pot Helmet	78=Leather Cap	79=Quilt Armor	80=Chainmail Shirt
81=Toadskin	82=Plate Armor	83=Chainm. Arm.	84=Leather Armor
85=Tinderbox	86=Whetstone	87=Cutlery	88=Tableware
89=Licorish (#)	90=Bonbons (#)	91=Wine Bottle	92=Brandy Bottle
93=Mattock	94=Praios Amulet	95=Lute	96=Winter Coat
97=Net	98=Throwing Knife	99=Sickle	100=Scythe
101=Warhammer	102=Trident	103=Halberd	104=Grain Flail
105=Double Fleurs	106=Goupillon	107=Basilisc's Tongue
108=Catchogre	109=Mengbilar	110=Dagger (Heavy)	111=Rondracomb
112=Cutlass	113=Bastard Sword	114=Tuzakian	
115=Bec De Corbin	116=Brabak Bully	117=Rapier
118=Kunchomer	119=Double Kunchomer	120=Copper Disk	121=Rope
122=Shurin Bulb (#)	123=Belmont Leaf (#)	124=Donf Sprig (#)
125=Menchal Cactus (#)	126=Mandrake Root (#)	127=Atmon Blossom (#)
128=Ilmen Leaf (#)	129=Finage Tree Sprig (#)	
130=Joruga Root (#)	131=Thonnys Blossom (#)	132=Lotus Blossom (#)
133=Magic Wand	134=Skaja	135=Hatchet	136=Orc Hook
137=Cutting Tooth	138=Seal Slayer	139=Wolf Knife
140=Witch's Broom	141=Lotus Poison	142=Kukris
143=Bane Dust	144=Toadstool Poison	145=Healing Potion
146=Strong Healing Potion	147=Elixir of CR
148=Elixir of WD	149=Elixir of CH	150=Elixir of DX
151=Elixir of AG	152=Elixir of IN	153=Elixir of ST
154=Magic Potion	155=Strong Magic Potion	156=Olginroot
157=Kairan Stalk	158=Bastard Sword	159=Orc Hook
160=Short Sword		161=Sickle	162=Fire Amulet
163=Blue Amulet	164=Deposit Receipt	165=Red Ring
166=Expurgicum	167=Expurgicum Recipe	168=Vomicum	
169=Vomicum Recipe	170=Deposit Receipt	171=Siver Coronet
172=Sabre	173=Red Amulet	174=Green Amulet
175=Travia Amulet	176=Deposit Receipt	177=Red Moon Disk
178=2-Handed Sword	179=Astheni Knife	180=Antidote
181=Lump Of Ore		182=Skull Girdle	183=Girdle Of Might
184=Magic Bread Bag	185=Magic Waterskin	
186=Recipe For Heal Potion	187=Crude Key	188=Amulet
189=Glorifications	190=Membership List	191=Recipe Book
192=Red Coins	193=Kukris Dagger	194=Bronze Key
195=Rich Golden Key	196=Helmet	197=Chainmail Shirt
198=Chainmail Shirt	199=Sword	200=Kukris Mengbilar
201=Rich Silver Key	202=Recipe for Antidote	203=Recpie-Hylal. Fire
204=Elixir of ST Recipe	205=Elixir of CR Recipe	206=Magic Potion
207=Blue Ring	208=Double Bearded Key	209=Big Copper Key
210=Silver Key	211=Golden Key	212=Red Arrow Key
213=Silver Helmet	214=Silver Mace	215=Silver Jewelry
216=Spear	217=Blue Coronet	218=Throw Dagger
219=Red Bow Key	220=Green Ring	221=Red Jewelry	222=Gold Spectacle Key
223=Anti-Disease Elixir	224=Asthenil Dagger	225=Charcoal
226=Elixir of CR	227=Elixir of WD	228=Elixir of CH
229=Elixir of DX	230=Elixir of AG	231=Elixir of IN
232=Elixir of ST	233=Green Robe	234=Gold Shield
235=Asthenil Sword	236=Miracle Cure	237=Sleeping Potion
238=Miasthmaticum	239=Hylalian Fire	240=Recipe: Strong Heal
241=Recipe-Miracle Cure	242=Recipe-Sleep Potion	243=Recipe: Stong Mag.
244=Miasthmaticum	245=Green Coronet	246=Book
247=Green Jewelry	248=Black Statuette	249=Lantern
250=Jewels	251=Silver Ring	252=Salamander Stone	253=Broach
254=Heart Key	255=Sword of Artherion	256=Bow of Artherion
257=Heavy Crossbow	258=Gold Throw Axe	259=Skull Key
260=Crystal	261=Wand	262=Green Glowstick	
263=Orange Glowstick	264=Crystal Ball	265=Coronet
266=Skeleton Key	267=Dried Whirlweed (#)	268=Clear Fluid
269=Amulet Part 1	270=Amulet Part 2	271=Amulet Part 3
272=Amulet Part 4	273=Cast Iron Key	274=Orc Sabre
275=Orc Jewelry		276=Orc Hatchet		277=Gruuf Shark
278=Ring Armor	279=Salamander Stone	280=Dwarf Gold Key
281=Copper Key	282=Crescent Moon Amulet	283=Orc-Cloth Armor
284=Born Thorn	285=Orc Leather Armor	286=Asthenil Ring
287=Green Jewels	288=Green Coins	289=Fish (#)	290=Fish (#)
291=Otter Pelt	292=Black Ring	293=Lynx Ear	294=Sleeping Bag
295=Copper Cauldron	296=Super Heal Potion	
297=Document of Anathemetizer Order	298=Mace
299=Runish Document	300=Lynx Ear	301=Silver Bow Key
302=Pliers Key	303=Tin Key	304=Small Gold Key
305=Small Silver Key	306=Iron Key	307=Lowagen Key	308=Blue Key
309=Dried Loneberry (#)	310=Dried Loneberry (#)	311=Leather Pants
312=Leather Boots	313=Leather Vest	314=Parchments
315=Fire Powder		316=Stone Medallion	317=Orc Bow
318=Document	319=Magistrate's Document	320=Jewel
321=Mirror Amulet	322=Wine	323=Red Wristband
324=Green Wristband	325=Key Ring	326=Swamp Rantzy
327=Helmet	328=Dragon Claw	329=Cult Document	330=Package
331=Document	332=Document	333=Swamp Rantzy Document
334=Heather	335=Heather	336=Nortrux document	
337=Crystal Ball	338=Recipe-Money Crapper
339=Money Crapper	340=Sword	341=Vial	
342=Cart Grease	343=Crank	344=Chain	345=Dragon Head Ring
346=Document	347=Flame Key	348=DragonSlayer	
349=2-Handed Sword	350=Phex's Helmet	351=Phex's Shield
352=Harp "Vardari"	353=Lute "Vardari"	354=Rat-Catcher's Tool
355=Druidess' Translation	356=Light ShortBow
357=Light Longbow	358=Extra-Light Longbow	359=Strong Rope
360=Shirt	361=Trousers	362=City Map	363=Pirate Document
364=Dried Hands	365=Black Key	366=Pliers	367=Praios Amulet
368=Recipe for Antihypnoticum	369=Antihypnoticum (#)
370=Feylamia Document	371=Intoxicumber (#)	372=Recipe Book
373=Borbarad Egg	374=Mage's Amulet	375=Beetle Carapace
376=Termite Carapace	377=Sting	378=Beetle Claw
379=Plant Stalk	380=Flower Flute	381=Blowgun
382=Poison Spine	383=Twig	384=Y-Twig
385=Spider Thread	386=Mushroom (#)	387=Lump (#)
388=Stone (#)	389=Magic Boots	390=Miracle Shield
391=Borbarad Urn	392=Key	393=Amulet	394=Diary
395=Small Key	396=Wristband	397=Moon Lantern	398=Crystal
399=Moon Light	400=Dog Figurine	401=Red Diamond
402=Green Diamond	403=Blue Diamond	404=Yellow Diamond
405=Mirror Armor	406=Super Magic Potion	407=Recpie-CH Elixir
408=Anti-Courage Elixir (#)	409=Octagonal Allen Key
410=Robe (Toranor)	411=Gold Wristband	412=Cross Spanner
413-417=Key Rings	418=Guild Bracelet	419=Tenobaal Bolt (#)
420=Battle Axe	421=Sledge Hammer	422=Key
423=Chainmail Armor	424=Sword	425=2-handed Sword
426=Gold Helmet	427=Green Ring	428=Strong Rations (#)
429=Red Ring	430=Purple Ring	431=Gray Ring	432=Key
433=Letter from Abu Terfas	434=Letter About T's Experiments
435=Recpie for Anti-CR Elixir	436=Borabarad Wand	437=Dull Prism
438=Green Prism	439=Orange Prism	440=Sailor Shirt
441=Sailor Pants	442=Dolphin Amulet	443=Oilskin
444=Lead Shoes	445=Demon Book	446=Zurbaran's Book	
447=Borbarad's Testament	448=The Daimonicon	
449=Ways Without Name	450=Trilogy Of Control	451=The Arcanum
452=Codex Dimensionis	453=Craftsman's License	454=Certificate of Hire
455=Deposit Receipt	456=Dummy	457=Love Letters
458=Boatswain's License	459=Amulet	460=Belaying Pin
461=Key		462=Key		463=Key Ring	464=Key Ring
465=Sling	466=Rodmil's Last Words		467=Warning by K
468=Nombosch's Death (letter)	469=Abelmir about Orcs (letter)
470=Secret Passageways	471=Manresh	472=Trident
473=Riddle Document	474=Hint Document	475=Elf Horn

WARNING: Setting any inventory value to anything higher than 476 will 
cause your game to crash when you attempt to view your character's
inventory screen!
	Well, that's about it!  Good luck in your quest, and watch out 
for that dragon!  If you're having a problem that isn't answered in the 
UGE FAQ (be sure to read that first!), you can e-mail me at 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Do not...I repeat...DO NOT REQUEST MODULES TO BE 
MADE!  Any such request will be ignored.

					-DM (Overkill/Mortuai)
						(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
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