CUP386 v3.3     *release*     [sage/ucf]
  The  ultimate  executables  unpacker
ù Unpacks DOS EXE, COM files packed via
  PkLite, Diet, Protect and ANY other!
ù RM INT 1 tracer; V86 multitask tracer;
  i80386 CPU emulator - full RM support,
  CPU queue and DRX s emulation
ù Built-in interactive mega debugger:
  supports BPX, BPM, BPR, BPIO, BPINT.
ù "I'm alive!" feature: led flashing
ù Faster and smarter than any similiar
 u N I T E D  c R ? C K I N G  f O R C E
[doS/unpackeR]Ä[maY 1997]
 DiZ FiLë FÿcKëD CHeaTeRS.DK
  Files    : 13, NeW:13.06.97, oLD:12.10.95
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:10.05.97, D?Z:10.05.97

PaS$ùd +45 74NoT4u _ Diz FiLù F<|<ùd <|-