Icon Studio 1.0 - (c)1995 Leonard A. Gray
Designed specifically for editing 32x32, 16
color icons for Windows.  Produced by Impact
Software.  Icon Studio offers a rich set of
editing tools and is so easy and fun to use,
we think you'll prefer it over any other
product of its kind, shareware or commercial.
Icon Studio integrates seamlessly with Icon
Manager to provide the total solution for
serious icon enthusiasts. Diz file Fuck'ed
The PC Cheaters Board PaS$ùd +45 74NoT4u _
Diz FiLù F<|<ùd <|-|ùa|ùrs Heaven
 DiZ FiLë FÿcKëD CHeaTeRS.DK
  Files    : 16, NeW:21.12.95, oLD:03.03.95
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:28.07.95, D?Z:03.03.95