Command and Conquer Editor v1.5 Allows
editing of: * weapon payload for infantry,
vehicles and structures * infantry and
vehicle costs * structure costs * structure
power requirements * structure power
production * structure and unit hit points *
stealth capabilities of vehicles * vehicles
firepower * unit and structure ownership *
unit and structure tech. levels * vehicle
speed (**) * structure and vehicle
invulnerability (**) (**) available only for
the v1.18p version of Command and Conquer
Only works with the English language version
of Command and Conquer.
 PÆs$ù|> +45 74N?T4     _
 D?Z F?Lù F<|<ù|> <|-|?a|?Rs |-|?ÆV?N
 DiZ FiLë FÿcKëD CHeaTeRS.DK
  Files    : 19, NeW:23.04.97, oLD:12.10.95
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:27.11.95

C&C FAQ Ver 21 ?pF?<| bY:Bernt Hansen