Okay, here's a list of the files (and their
respective sizes) which SHOULD be included in
CIVHACK1.ZIP -- should any of them get
mangled or lost, I claim no responsibility.
Other than that, there's not much else to
say...  CIVHACK.EXE (20,672) RUNME.EXE
(8,992) HACK00.MNU (221) HACK01.MNU (823)
HACK02.MNU (803) HACK03.MNU (699) HACK1A.MNU
(274) HACK1B.MNU (322) HACK1C.MNU (314)
(486) -EOF-
 DiZ FiLë FÿcKëD CHeaTeRS.DK
  Files    : 18, NeW:NONE, oLD:NONE
 uL Node  : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:27.10.93