AquaNox 2 Revelation Cheats Unlocker                   |/ /|

    / / |                                                              / / |   

   / /  |  CHEATS BY.: MMDoX             RELEASE DATE....: 20.07.03   / /  |   

  / /   |  PACKED BY.: MMDoX             NO. CHEATS......: 5         / /   |   

 ( (|   |  RLS TYPE..: CHEATS            NO. ARCHIVES....: 1 x 05MB ( (|   |   

   |   |  -                                                          |   |

   |   |    ---------------------------------------------------- -   |   |

    |   |   Extract mmar2cul.rar into your game dir, then hit          |   |   

    |   |  Unlocker.exe and when playing game press any of those keys |   |  

    |   |  below...                                                   |   |  

    |   |) )                                                           |   |) )

    |  _/ / F7   - God Mode                                            |  _/ /

    |_/ _/  F8   - Invisibility                                        |_/ _/  

    / _/|   F10  - Complete Mission                                    / _/|   

   / /  |   F11  - Complete Mission                                   / /  |   

  / /   |   F12  - Fail Mission                                      / /   |