Enter The Matrix Sound Unpacker v1.0 is a small tool for decompression
of game sound files into a standart PCM wave format. Actually it is a
shell for calling IMA ADPCM decompresion routines from the Miles Sound
System main DLL. This is a console mode program, so all you need to do
is to type 'UnpSnd  '.
 can be any .adx (music), .adp or .wad (fx) file.
 should be one of the following:
   -sfx - use to unpack fx from *.adp/*.wad files (*.adp - sound streams,
          *.wad - collections of fx sounds in one file)
   -mus - use to unpack sound from *.adx files
   -manual - allows you to decompress file with your own parameters
For any other questions, about how the program works, please refer to
the source code.