Formel Eins 99 v1.0 - GERMAN - Copy/Create Instructions

Copy/Create Instructions:

 1) Copy whole CD to a Temporary Folder on your Disk EXCEPT the "setupdir"-Dir!
    - from "COMM"-Dir you only need the File "german.xai" (others can be deleted)!
 2) Delete All FILES (no Dirs!) in the MainDir of your Copy of F1_99 (should be 22 Files)
 3) Extract all Files in the F199GNCD.ZIP to MainDir of the copied Version of F1_99
 4) Extract the 5 Audio-Tracks on the CD using Audiograbber/WinDAC or equivalent...
 5) Insert a 74min CD-R. Use Nero. Create an MixedMode CD. Add all Data-Files form the MainDir.
    Add the 5 Audio-Tracks. Name the CD "F1_99" and Burn it...

That's It, Folks!

P.S.: Don't worry that there are many Files you won't copy onto the CD, but they are only
      SPACEFILLERS to make the CD Oversized!
      If you have any Problems feel free to eMail me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

[Done by AUMaStEr, 22.12.1999]