
Product Version = 1.0
Product Developer = Digital Reality/GT Interactive
Product Country/Language = ALL
Protection = Safedisc
CD Layout = CDROM MODE-1
Data Track = (1) Joliet
Audio Tracks = (0) No Audio Tracks
CD Label = Ig2_e_cd1
Fixed Exe = IG2.EXE (3,165KB)
Archive = IG2.ZIP (1,310KB)
Hardware Used = Plextor 40X CDROM & 8/20 CDR
Software Used = CDRWIN 3.7C "Retail"
Media Used = Princo 8X Certified

CD-COPY Instructions:
1: COPY entire CD contents to Temp Directory 
2: EXTRACT "PATCH.ZIP" Archive to Temp Directory 
3: RUN "PATCH.BAT" from within Temp Directory to patch the game
4: BURN Mode-1 Data Track with Label: "Ig2_e_cd1" 
5: RE-INSTALL from Cracked CDROM
6: PLAY Game

NOTE: Please be patient and let the Patching Process finish (1-2 Minutes)
NOTE: This Crack defeats the Safedisc Protection only, CD still required
NOTE: This Patch will make a backup of the original "IG2.exe" for future patching in a folder called "Original"