CD-ROM-Check Crack & Update v1.x -> 2.0 for Total Anihilation: Kingdoms

   by: Softbeard       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                               10/4/99 12:38AM

Bypasses the cd-rom check if you're playing the adventure. For v2.0 update.

Note: With v2.0, Cdilla's Safedisk protection is gone : )

What to do: Unarchive all these files to your installed directory, overwritting all
old files. Run the game via KINGDOMS20_CRK.EXE, the files KINGDOMS.EXE, KINGOMS.ICD are no 
longer necessary; they're here in case you need the originals. KINGDOMS.EXE is just a dummy loader
that runs KINGOMS.ICD, which is a regular executable, masquerading as a Safedisk file. Both these files 
are functionally replaced by KINGDOMS20_CRK.EXE which is the cracked version of KINGOMS.ICD.
The difference between KINGOMS.ICD & KINGDOMS20_CRK.EXE is one byte, as shown below.

Unzip the included archive to your installed directory, overwriting old files. In Winzip be sure to extract with
'use folder names' on so that the subdirectories are properly extracted. Read tak20_crk_info.txt for more info.

-SoftBeard, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.