Icewind Dale Cheat Script
         Script written by Simon Jorgensen for Baldur's Gate 
	 Edited by Godslaw for use with Ice Wind Dale.

- Copy the script 'GODlike.BS' to your Scripts directory.
- Run Icewind Dale, and either start a new game or
  load an old game. 
- Activate the AI (the left icon in the lower right
  corner of the screen).
- Select the character you want to use the script. 
- Press the Character button (the "head" button on the 
- Select Customize->Scripts, and choose "CUSTOM(GODlike)"

While playing you can now use the following hotkeys:

Z - Cast 6xMagic Missile on nearest enemy.
X - Dire Charm nearest enemy
C - Cast the following spells:
      Improved Invisibility
      Draw Upon Holy Might
      Minor Globe of Invulnerability
      Protection from Normal Missiles
      Protection from Petrification
V - Cast Mirror Image
B - Cast Haste
N - Cast Dispel Magic
E - Cast Improved Invisibility & Non-Detection
H - Cast the following spells:
      2xCure Critical Wounds
      Remove Fear
      Remove Curse
      Remove Paralysis
      Neutralize Poison
D - Cast Draw Upon Holy Might
Y - Give Party 5000 gold
U - Give Party 12000 experience point

- If all characters are using the script and you have 
  selected all of them, pressing 'Y' or 'U' will give
  the party 30000 gold or 72000 XP if you have six
- You have to select a character to use the hotkeys,
  therefore a charmed or held person cannot use them.
- The script might be a little slow to react, 
  especially on slow machines, so just keep pressing
  those keys!
- If you play multiplayer, when the host saves the
  game, the scripts are reset for the other players!