Start Treck - Armada 1.0 and 1.1 german               º
  º                                                                        º
 ÉÍÍÙ                                                                    ÀÍÍ»
 Î    kind of crack:   NoCd                            ÚÄ                Ä¿ Î
 Î    protection:      nothing ;)                      ³if there are any  ³ Î
 º                                                      problems with this  º
 º    cracker:         [X] yoda  [X] M.o.D. [ ] v00d00  crack then please   º
 º    date of release: 10'jun 2000                      mail the cracker !  º
 Î    progsupplier:    VooDoo                           BUT: DO NOT ASK     Î
 Î    cracktester:     -                               ³WHERE TO FIND CRX ³ Î
 Î    cracking time:   30 sec                          ÀÄ                ÄÙ Î
 ÈÍÍ¿                                                                    ÚÍͼ
    º                                                                    º
 ÉÍͼ                  ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                   ÈÍÍ»
 º                     !  u have 2 read the license  !                      º
 ³  ³                  ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                   ³  ³
 ³  ³                                                                    ³  ³
 ú  ³ explanation:     _install the game                                 ³  ú
 ú  ³                  _apply the patch to 1.1 if you want               ³  ú
    ³                  _apply the crack to armada.exe                    ³
    ³                  _be happy or fuck you ;)                          ³
    ³                                                                    ³
    ³                                                                    ³
    ³                                                                    ³
    ³                                                                    ³
    ³                                                                    ³
    ³ notes:                                                             ³
    ³                                                                    ³
    ³                                                                    ³
    ³                                                                    ³
    ³                                                                    ³
    ³                                                                    ³
    ³                                                                    ³  ú
 ú  ³                                                                    ³  ú
 ú  ³ visit our lame webside:                                ³  ³
 ³  ³                                                                    ³  ³
 ³                                                                          º
 ÈÍÍ»                                                                    ÉÍͼ
    ³                                                                    ³
  ³                             º  MemberZ  º                              ³
 ³³                             ÀÄúú     úúÄÙ                              ³³
 ³³                                                                        ³³
 ³³                                                                        ³³
 ³³  [M.o.D..................Founder/Coder/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] ³³
 ³³  [yoda...................Founder/Gfx/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] ³³
  ³  [Kinderschaender........Webmaster/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] ³
  ³  [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] ³
  ³  [VooDoo.................Gamesupplier/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] ³
  ³                                                                        ³
  ³                                                                        ³
  ³                           º  TrialmemberZ  º                           ³
 ³³                           Àúú            úúÙ                           ³³
 ³³                                                                        ³³
  ³  [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] ³
  ³                                                                        ³
  ³                                                                        ³
    º                                                                    º
    º                                                                    º
    Ȼ           GreetZ go out to all crackers of the world !!!         ɼ
     Ȼ                                                                ɼ
      Ȼ                                                              ɼ

                                  License :(
    º                                                                    º
    º  You are only allowed to use the tools & information in this       º
    ³      archive if you agree with the following things ;-)            ³
    ³                                                                    ³

       FReAK2FReAK cannot be held responsible if any of the information &
       files contained  in this archive is used in the pursuit of illegal
            activities such as COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT or piracy.


       You are NOT ALLOWED to sell, rent or give away any backups of
       copyrighted CD's, as this is not allowed by Copyright Laws.


       You have to be the owner of the original CD from which you make
                             the Backup.


       You have to destroy the Backup CD when you aren't the owner of the
                           original CD anymore.


       In case of a  sharewarecrack you are only allowed to use the
   ³   programm as long as it is written in the license of the author.    ³
   ³   After that time you have to delete the programm form your Harddisk ³
   º   and you are also not allowed to give the cracked shareware away.   º
   º                                                                      º