Krusty's Super Funhouse [+4 Trainer]             °°±±²²ÛÛ ³
³ Made by              : QEF                          Released On :  11/27/93 ³
³                                                                             ³
³ Game Information     : Nice Lemmings kind game		              ³
³                        Copy all three trainers in the root of Krusty, then  ³
³			 run the trainer which has your soundcard             ³
³			 KR_NOSND.COM ==> PC Speaker Version    	      ³
³			 KR_ROLAN.COM ==> Roland sound Version                ³
³			 KR_SNDBL.COM ==> AdLib/SoundBlaster/PRO Verion       ³
³ 									      ³
³ Trainer Key's        : [1]...[4] See KR_?????.COM (Depends on soundcard)    ³
³                                                                             ³
³ Personal Greetings   : Blade for helping me out with that nasty CS register ³
³                        MERDE for the ANSI				      ³
³                        And all other CYBER FORCE dudes for their great      ³
³                         support                                             ³

³ ÛÛ²²±±°°                  -=< CyBeR FoRCe >=-                      °°±±²²ÛÛ ³
³                                Members:                                     ³
³   Ace, Blade, Blue Sky, B.O.B., Cap, Dejay, First Prince JiHaD,LeViaTHaN,   ³
³           Merde, Party Buster, QEF, SnoW, Soundtracer, TaZ DeViL,           ³
³                        The Druid, The Wind, ZHoRaK                          ³
³                                                                             ³
³  Express Board :                Number :                 Syzo:              ³
³  7th Heaven          3 Nodes    +31-(0)70-3######        B.O.B.             ³
³  Console Cat         2 Nodes    +31-(0)10-#######        Ace                ³
³  Flight 4o2          1 Node     +31-(0)10-#######        The Wind           ³
³  Midian              1 Node     +31-(0)20-#######        LeViaTHaN          ³
³  Silverado           3 Nodes    +31-(0)83-522####        Blue Sky           ³