-* Deathtrap Dungeon - Cracker v1.21 *-

Hello you!

-> This Crack will remove the CD protection check of
   Deathtrap Dungeon French/English/Spanish version.
   It is usefull if you want to play with a copied CD
   or if you want to play without the CD (read how to
   do this in the second part of this nfo).

-> How to copy the CD? just copy all the files of the
   first track of the CD except the files a.dat, b.dat,
   c.dat, and d.dat and put the same label on the copied
   CD than the original one (caps sensitive) :).

/** Update of 09/09/1998 **/
The crack is now useable of the english and the spanish
version of the game... thanx to the one who had sent me
the right files :)
/**          End         **/

Well, well, well... it's me again and again! but this
time, it's a bit different... I have never owned this
game and I have never played it! A very nice man had
contacted me to congratulate me for my crack for FF7 and
asked me if I could crack Deathtrap Dungeon... he sent me
the files to crack and a TXT of a cracker who told how he
had done to crack the english version of the game... this
cracker had forgotten 1 protection but his system was
very good... in an afternoon, the french game was cracked
les doigts dans l'nez!
If you want to play the game without the CD, just
install the game in full mode, then copy the file named
'asylumdd_cd.exe' in the directory where the file 
'ddstart.exe' has been installed on your hard disk, and
to play, execute 'dd_cd.exe'... thanx to Mad for this
trick! :)
... now... I gotta go... I have to copy the CD
of Manau which is really excellent. If you have time to
spend, go to 'http://www.angelfire.com/hi/Patchou/' and
download all my new cracks for your gamez/appz! (I have
just updated my FF7 - Cracker :).

				Have pheuneux!

	Patchou, Fraisie's love... :p
		(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), 30/08/1998.

French note of the day: A ça pour une nouvelle...
----------------------- ... c'est une bonne nouvelle!

Pink note of the day: Je t'aime mamour...