Auto-Imbue for Diablo 2 v1.05 US

by Odie

v1.05 New Features

* Works with version 1.05 of Diablo II

* Changed GUI

* Auto-imbue now saves the file path in c:autoimbue.dat

v1.04b New Features

* Fixed the item counter bug

v1.04 New Features

* Choose between 1.04 and previous versions for imbuing

* Run it from anywhere. Now you can browse for character files in any folder

* Auto-imbue always makes a backup of your character as name.BAK

* Select drive letter and directory path, then just click on a character file


NOTE: This program is written in Visual Basic version 5, so if you get any weird DLL
errors, then you probably need the VB5 runtime libraries. Look for them on the net.

It can be run in the background, but only affects saved games, not currently loaded
characters. It will imbue any items that are imbueable in your character's knapsack.
This includes armor, helm, etc ... as well as rings and amulets. It is in no way 
guaranteed to be bug free, so use it at your own risk !

Send any comments, complaints, or bug reports to ...

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Coding, Hacking      : Odie
Hacking, Playtesting : Odenkhan, Mr. Bones, Mojo