Faceman's Flashpoint Fieldbook

by Faceman a.k.a Bharatma

This is just a simple WT for the campaign missions and NOT a strategy guide,
This is the first WT I'm writing, so do not expect wonders from me.
However, should you have any questions, suggestions or corrections
you can mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special Thanks to NOBODY, I did all this on my OWN. HAHAHAHAHAHA...
(if you're going to contribute to this WT, I'll probably have to lose that



Just follow orders. I sure don't have to tell you how to walk properly.


In your first real mission you'll learn two important rules.
A.)"If you wanna grow old, stay out of the road"
B.)If you are carrying a lousy M16 and there are M1A1 tanks to support you,
why would you
bother to attack in blind rage?
So take cover and let the others do most of the work. No heroics,
Move slowly towards the villlage and eliminate everything the others have
When all enemies have died or retreated you are victorious.

tip: If you're lying inside a bush (the black spots on the map), you're
almost invisible.
Even soldiers at distances of 50m and less won't spot you.


This is an opportunity to practice, what we've learned in the last mission.
Stay down!
Don't get to comfortable in that village, because there will be T80 tanks
closing in.
So get in and get out fast, preferably through the wood, as this is the
safest way.


Follow orders and more importantely follow Srg. Bergmann until you're on
patrol. Do the
patrol-thing on your own: Run through the wood and exit it at Ch50. You will
3 Russians, take them out. Then there's one SpetzNatz on the southern edge
of the wood.
Dispose of him and return to the jeep. There may be other enemies, but don't
the supporting M113 will deal with them. Wait for the others and return to
Le Moule.


Get into the tent and trade in your M16 for the M60. This puts us to another
C.) Take all the equipment you can get. Heavy? "Heavy means reliable. I
always go for reliability."
After you disembarked the M113 take cover and then "kill them all and let
god sort them out".
Wait for reinforcements, board truck. Done


This mission is the mother of all screw-ups. Seizing Montignac is as easy as
taking candy
from a baby, but you get orders to withdraw.
So you'll have to engage Russians near Provins while retreating. No matter
how hard you try,
they'll blow up your truck. Consequently the Blackhawk will be shot down by
a Hind and
you'll be on your own for the next mission. So remember rule A and hide in
the western woods,
the others will die anyway.


This one is the first really tough mission and it outlines, what is so
special about OFP.
This mission is pure adrenaline and pure fright.
Do NOT pick up binoculars or LAW from the fallen, you'd get spotted. Exit
the forest at Df56.
Run zig-zag to the bushes at Df57. Now prone through the bushes all the way
to Dg58.
Enter the next forest, keep an eye out for enemies inside the woods, too.
By now Papa Bear should have told you about the alternate evac point.
Exit the wood at Dh63. Now cross the road and get to that second evac point.


Take out the Binoculars and watch for a UAZ arriving from the right. Then
assist in the
attack, covering the right flank. Try to steal a machinegun from one of the
dead an
hide in a bush as there will be Russian reinforcements arriving in a Ural
from down the road
Gun them down as they are disembarking. Before you board the truck SAVE and
pray that the
nearby BMP does not spot you and blow you to pieces. After exiting the truck
stay alert for
enemies and continue to the meeting point with the civilians.


Nothing special. You'll be detected at the second checkpoint. Try to stay
alive and
move to the woods. Now continue south to the resistance camp. The leader is
in the big tower
(ramp up and inside).


After the retry-point is set keep you're eyes open for SpetzNatz coming for
the east.
Use the NV goggles and the binoculars. Kill 'em and get a good nights rest.


Get into that machinegun and start gunning them down. When they begin
back out to the north and hide in the bushes. Take down some Russkies from
safe distance
and wait until there's order to retreat. Move quickly to the north and watch
out for
those paratroopers.


Lay  your first two mines as you like then place the third about 200m up the
If some tanks evaded the first mine they're going to return to the road
Get back to your commander and grab a LAW plus all the ammo you can get.
After some big
explosions finish the rest of the tanks with the LAW. Be quick, your first
shot will give
away your position and you're likely to need two LAWs per tank.


Get in M60 as driver and move to the training grounds. After the training
order your
driver to go to next waypoint (1,9) and meet up with your commander. Keep
formation (1,1)
until you spot the BMP, get rid of it. You will now learn another important
rule, let's call it
D.) Never use cannons/explosives against infantry, if you're inside a tank
use the MG,
that's what it's there for.
Now let your gunner take out all the enemy infantry and you're done.


Following orders and mission plan should be easy. When it comes to attacking
the border zone
your primary objective is to stay alive. There's no chance you can take the
border zone with a
lousy M60 and without support. Get to safety and wait for RTB order, then


The mentioned RPG-platoon is right in front of you. Wipe 'em out. Continue
to the ledge and
hit the dirt. Prone down using the bushes in the south of sector Fh60 as
cover. Dispose of
enemy patrols if necessary but try to remain undetected. Put a Satchel
Charge to the first
tank and put the second in front of the last bush, where the second tank
comes to the end
of his patrol. Retreat to the hill again. Then wait for the second tank to
reach the bush
and touch off both bombs. Send the radio messages to TWO and THREE and then
back out.
There may be an enemy squad at the location of the RPG-soldiers. Take them
out and
retreat to the north.


Another M60 mission, oh well. Watch out for RPG soldiers target them first.
The tanks should be no problem, just remember Rule A and let the others do
most of the job.
When you have seized Lolisse repair at the repair truck if necessary. Then
hold the city. If
you experience problems with assaulting forces try following tactics.
Go down to the beach and target your enemy. Then move up until you're sure
have a good shot. Fire and immediately reverse. Continue until all enemy
have been eliminated.


Pray that your mates are able to destroy the first Shilka and begin looking
for a LAW or RPG
on a dead (hopefully Russian) soldier.
Then continue as planned and eliminate the second Shilka, if your lads don't
manage to do so.
Get down and wait for the choppers to finish their job. Then roam around and
kill any
remaining enemies.


At last, the M1A1. This tank can sustain multiple hits and compared to the
enemy force in
this mission it is indestructible. Take Chapoi and La Riviere and toast all
enemies while
you're at it. This mission is simple!


Do as told and you should not encounter any enemies in this mission. So go
there and back
and do not get shot!


Another learning mission. Familiarize yourself with being in command. To
repel the
attack make sure you're LAW soldiers target the BMPs and all others are
engaging someone
(engage at will). Meanwhile keep your head low and take out some Russkies


Get your squad into the jeep. Remember Rule B and let the APCs do the first
Continue then along the road. The enemy base is at De25. Stopat the top of
the hill
and prone forward until you spot the base. Get back into the jeep and to
ignoring all enemy attacks. This leads us to rule
E.) Never stop for enemy infantry, if you can just drive by.
It's safer to drive by at 50 mph and getting shot at two or three times
without possibility
to return fire than stopping  and being a perfect target while disembarking.


This is the first mission where you can changing your gear is possible AND
makes some sense.
Take the M21 sniper rifle and a LAW (remember rule C?). This will be your
standard setup for
most of the future missions. Take cover in the bushes, move towards the
valley, but keep an
eye on the left flank. Make your way through the vally by sniping most of
your enemies.
When your almost at the enemy base, radio Bravo for support and snipe the
surprised guards.
Tell your LAW soldiers to target the BMPs, but be prepared to deal with them


Rule F.) "A proning black op is invisible at night."
Take one satchel charge extra in your gear, you won't need so much ammo in
this mission.
Cross the road and hide in some bush on the right side of the road. Take
down the patrol,
then continue to Levie. Place a charge at the northern ammo crates. Take out
the patroling
soldier and the two guys standing south of the Ural trucks. place a charge
near the trucks
and take two charges from the dead SpetzNatz. Get into the wood and touch
off the bombs.
Continue south through the forest and exit itat the southern border of
sector Fh67.
Prone down using the bushes in the south of the base as cover. Watch out for
the patrol,
but do NOT attack it. Lay your remaining satchel charges as you like it (Be
sure to do
maximum damage). Retreat to the south, when you're at the top of the hill,
touch off the
bombs and watch the fireworks, then evacuate.


Put your squad into the APC and board the jeep yourself. Take the southern
route (turn
right at the first crossroads). I did not meet any resistance there (except
for some
lone machinegunners). Just remember Rule E and drive it home to the airport.


Take the M21 and a LAW for your gear. Coordinate the attack of your squad
with Bravo and
Charlie. Take the Shilka out yourself, order your team to move to another
position and/or
let them engage at will. Radio the choppers and attack. Another rule:
G.) "It's hard to watch his whole squad die, but it's harder to die
So don't whine if your squad does'nt make it. Blast away that Shilka and
seize the airport.


Meet with your team. The enemy base is at Eg58, go there straight away.
Before exiting
the woods order you're squad to be stealthy. SAVE. Now stay in the forest
yourself and let
your team do the work. Send them to the important points of the base (the
ammo depot in
the northwest, the helicopters, the BMP, the fortress) and let them lay
their bombs. If they
encounter guards, they'll take them out theirselfes. Let them retreat into
the forest and
touch off the fireworks. Then evacuate to Ei61.


The first town is no problem. The road to Montignac is a minefield, so evade
it and go to
Montignac keeping east of the forest. Seizing it should be no problem with
an Abrams platoon,
as there are only a handfull of armored vehicles and a bunch of infantry


Learn how to fly a chopper! All you do here is ferrying infantry. you will
not be attacked
by anyone and you do not need to destroy the BMPs necessarily.


This one is fun. Get to your chopper and blast them all away. There's only
one Shilka. Use
a TOW to dispose of it quickly.


The positions of the Shilkas are Ea75,Eb73,Dg73. Send one of your guys to
each position
and go to one yourself. Spot the Shilkas, retreat and radio for the boat.


Another not so hard tank mission. Call in Zulu, when you've secured your
first objective A.
You'll need repairs by then. Call in Repair and Ammo trucks and resupply
your platoon.
Continue to your second objective.


Divert to Buffalo Base, but spare your rockets and only use the cannon
instead. At Saint
Pierre attack the Shilka first, then try to dispose of the Hind. Then go for
the T72s as they
only need one rocket each. Stay until Zulu team has seized the town.


Do exactly the same thing as in mission 30, but place satchel charges there,
too. Back out,
blow them up and evacuate as planned. If one of your mates get shot, be sure
to cover his
Shilka, too. Therefore only use our satchel charges for the Shilkas, do not
ambush tanks or
other armored units.


Take off!


Target the Shilkas first, then the T80s. When you begin to lose fuel
rapidly, ensure that
you are over land and try to climb as much as you can, then eject. If you're
not high
enough ejecting will result in some very ugly fractures.


Simple infantry mission. I recommend taking the M21 again (and a LAW). Hide
in a bush and
snipe the enemies. Your squad should do the rest of the work.


Obey all orders or you will be shot. Wait until nighttime. Run for the BMP
and enter it.
Run over some Russians and escape in the direction where it is pointing
anyway. us the
built in compass to determine south (by the way south is where the mountains
are, north is
the sea. Of course you could also sit there looking for the big dipper).
Exit the BMP before it gets blown up by the Soviet forces and run up the
Continue south until you meet a friendly GI.


Give Gastovski a M21 and some LAWs (you won't need satchel charges). Snipe
guards at the entrance and the guards on the watchtowers along the fence.
and BMPs will come looking for you and therefore breach trough the fence.
Get in through
one of these holes and then go southwest. Keep down at the shore, where
nobody can see you.
Move west until sector Be44/43. Now go north and use the bushes as
concealment. Don't worry
about the heavy infantry presence. Remember rule F, they can't see you. Wait
for the
right moment and then get into the house. After you have the codes get out
again and evacuate
the same way you have come.


The SCUD is at Eb53. Leave your squd behind and go for it on your own. Take
a LAW with
you at gear selection! Sneak your way through enemy lines until you've made
contact with
the SCUD. Take it out with the LAW. Now immediately switch back to your main
weapon and
GET OUT OF THERE. Guba's goons will be mad as hell.


Again take the M21 and a anti-tank launcher (I'd prefer the RPG this time,
because you're
more likely to run into ammo for this one in Russian territory; well you
probably won't need
it anyway). You also won't need your squad on this one. Take one guy with
you into the jeep
and let the others have a nice vacation. Proceed along the souther road and
turn right at
Eh51. Stop shortly before the base at Ed/Ee46 and snipe the guards. Drive
into the base and
mount the fuel truck. Take it outside to the Hind. Mount the Hind and take
your friend with
you as gunner(that's why you brought him all the way up here). Now take off
and head northeast.
Use the guided rockets to dispose of the Shilkas. Evade their AA-fire by
shaking left an right
and use it to locate their position and target them. When you've spotted the
SCUD take it out.
Now descend a little and fly back west along the northern road until you
spot a moving UAZ.
This is Guba. Head east again, land and setup an ambush. Hide somewhere with
a good view on
the road. When Guba arrives snipe the driver (be careful not to hit Guba!).
Two SpetzNatz
will exit the car, kill them too. Now run up to Guba and watch his despair.


Land at the airport (I KNOW it's difficult).
Do for God's sake not take the sportscar. Take the fuel truck instead and
drive it
to the Mi17. Board the chopper, refuel it and takeoff. Now this is the right
style to
pick up old war friends. Pick up everyone (Sam will be at the shore arriving
in a boat)
and fly them to the pub. If you like you can change helicopters at David's
place. The
Blackhawk is a nice thing, too, but I personally prefer the BIG Red Army