
Product Version = 1.0
Product Developer = MicroProse
Product Country/Language = UK - English
Protection = Safedisc
CD Layout = Mixed-Mode
Data Track = (1) Mode-1
Audio Tracks = (4) Audio Tracks
CD Label = GP500monsta
Fixed Exe = GP500.exe (1772KB)
Hardware Used = Plextor 40X CDROM & 8/20 CDR
Software Used = Audiograbber 1.5 & Easy CD Creator 4.0
Media Used = Princo 8X Certified

CD-COPY Instructions:
1: Copy entire CD contents to Temp Directory 
2: Extract 4 Audio Tracks to a Temp Directory 
3: Extract "PATCH.ZIP" Archive to Temp Directory 
4: RUN "PATCH.BAT" from within Temp Directory to patch the game
5: Burn Mode-1 Data Track & 4 Audio Tracks with Label: "GP500monsta"
6: Play Game

NOTE: This Crack defeats the Safedisc Protection only, CD still required

FIXED-EXE Instructions
The "GP500.exe" file in this archive is the FIXED-EXE also and can be used to replace the protected one in the game directory on the HDD. Simply Drag&Drop in the game directory overwritting the existing one.

Note: The latest version to date is (aka v.1.0) as of December 28, 1999. Check with this page for official patches if and when they become available. (

IS5 Proggie Credited to fOSSiL

Crack by "Djinn"

Batch Utility by "Gïzmð"

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