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  º±±±±±±±±±± X-PLANE 6.04 DEMO - NO CD (Windows) ±±±±±±±±±±º°
  º³                                                       ³º°
  º³ Just unzip all the files where "X-Plane 604.EXE" is   ³º°
  º³ and run CRACK.EXE                                     ³º°
  º³                                                       ³º°
  º³ This crack removes the the timelimit and else.        ³º°
  º³                                                       ³º°
  º³ X-PLANE is an awasome flight sim, i think its         ³º°
  º³ better than M$ one, you can select several airplanes  ³º°
  º³ including Radio Control ones and even the Space       ³º°
  º³ Shuttle!, you can also try to fly on Mars!            ³º°
  º³                                                       ³º°
  º³ If you like the game then buy the CD, remember that   ³º°
  º³ only the CD has all the WORLD airports and countries, ³º°
  º³ for example, if you try to fly in Japan with the      ³º°
  º³ cracked DEMO you will end on a flying airport above   ³º°
  º³ an endless sea, thats becuase japan files are on the  ³º°
  º³ CD, dont blame the patch ;)                           ³º°
  º³                                                       ³º°
  º³ Thanks to:                                            ³º°
  º³ -FlyeRacK-                                            ³º°
  º³ ThaMinder                                             ³º°
  º³ Odin                                                  ³º°
  º³ +ORC                                                  ³º°
  º³ and many other gys who are pleased to share their     ³º°
  º³ skills by writing tutorials and step by step cracking.³º°
  º³                                                       ³º°

This crack was made by MaGo2, if you want to crack something and
cant find the patch anywhere mail me and maybe i will help you.

                   MaGo2: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.