Space Rangers [cheats] [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Repair : 40 
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanMax : 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanCall : 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+RangerPoints : 150 
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+NextRank : 90 
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+CoolWeapon : 100 
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+LowCostWeapon : 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Bomb : 60
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Artefact : 40 
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Money : 40
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Drop : 60
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Paking : 300
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanItem : 160 
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+WeaponStrength : 200 
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+10Bomb : 140 
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+RndBase : 30
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+OpenMapSector : 20 
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+HugeMoney : 300 
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+PelengSurprise : 100
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+SuperHull : 250
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Boom : 30
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Pirates : 100

partialy translated:

Space Rangers Cheats 

In each of Chita is a cost. For applying Chita it is necessary to collect N of day- glasses. Therefore how more days you managed without chiterstva, by the fact more strong chit you will be able to use.

With the use by Chita the accumulated days are reduced to zero!

The error is derived with the nonobservance of the rules of the call

of Chita, but in this case the call of Chita does not include and it is possible

to cause following chit.

A quantity of cost of caused chitov is added. If it exceeds that established by standard (100 points), that Ranger will fall on the official server of game, in the special list of chiterov.

This list is mapped into the table of records separately from the

records of honest players. In this list are compared only the results of the players of those

exceeded limit.

Name: Audacious repairing is the action: All the equipment aboard the ship of the rule makes: They are absent

Call: To fly in in the sun and to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+Repair the cost: 40

Name: Klisanskaya dozen action: Increases a quantity of klisanov in each of the systems to 12 pcs

controlled by them.

Rules: They are absent

Call: [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanMax

Cost: 20

Name: Call to be beaten the action: The ships of klisanov invade the system, from where podan signal.

Rules: More than 20 klisanov the system invade must not.

Call: [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanCall

Cost: 20

Name: Lazy Ranger is the action: Ranger obtains 1000 points of Ranger the rules: If Ranger has less than 1000 undistributed glasses.

Call: Being in the center of Rangers, to collect [ Shift]+[.Ctrl]+.RangerPoints the cost: 150

Name: Title for free the action: Ranger obtains a quantity of glasses necessary for obtaining of the

following title.

Rules: If title is less than the maximum.

Call: Being located on the military base, to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+NextRank the cost: 90

Name: Steep gun is the action: In the store the steep gun of the rule appears: They are absent

Call: Being located on the planet, to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+CoolWeapon the cost: 100

Name: the Gun- banknote

Action: In the store random gun for 1 cr of the rule appears: More than 50 things in the store does not appear the call: Being located on the planet, to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+LowCostWeapon the cost: 20

Name: Two bombs the action: In the hold 2 quark bombs of the rule appear: If at the hold lies less than 10 things the call: Being located in space, to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+Bomb the cost: 60

Name: Random artifact is the action: In the hold random artifact of the rule appears by 1: If at the hold lies less than 10 things the call: Being located in gipere, to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+Artefact the cost: 40

Name: Easy money the action: In player the sum of available increases to 10000 cr of the rule: They are absent

Call: Being located in space, on the planet, in the store - to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+Money the cost: 40

Name: Undress

Action: All the equipment falls out in the ship nearest to the player,

not necessary for the flight.

Rules: The rule is not extended to Makhpellu.

Call: Being located in space, to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+Drop the cost: 60

Name: Packing

Action: Aboard the ship of player all the equipment becomes less 2 times.

Rules: Housing remains constant. Less than 1 thing occupy cannot.

Call: Being located in space, to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+Paking the cost: 300

Name: Scientific gift is the action: Scientists give a good klisanskoye equipment.

Rules: They are absent

Call: Being located on the scientific base, to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanItem the cost: 160

Name: To sell soul the action: Pirates strengthen to themselves and to player the maximum force of

guns per 10-20 units.

Rules: The global relation of normal planets and ships to the player

decreases by 60%. Player becomes pirate to 100%.

Call: Being located on the pirate station, to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+WeaponStrength the cost: 200

Name: Bombing

Action: 10 quark bombs appear around the player at a distance of 800-1500.

Rules: They are absent

Call: In space to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+10Bomb the cost: 140

Name: New base is the action: Appears random base in the system of player.

Rules: Each type of base must be 1. More than three bases in one system be must not.

Call: On the planet to collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+RndBase the cost: 30

Name: To open sector the action: The previously closed sector on the map is opened.

Rules: If there are the neotkrytye sectors.

Call: Being located on the pirate station to collect [

Shift]+[Ctrl]+OpenMapSector the cost: 20

Name: Large money the action: Player obtains additionally 100000 banknotes.

Rules: If money in player it is less than 1 million banknotes.

Call: To collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+HugeMoney the cost: 300

Name: Pelengskiy surprise is the action: In the store on the planet of bearings in the sold weapon the radius

of action doubles!

Rules: The global relation of normal planets and ships to the player

decreases by 50%.

Call: To collect [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+PelengSurprise the cost: 100

Name: Hipersil

Action: The group of player increases by 30% and completely is made.

Rules: They are absent

Call: To collect in space [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+SuperHull the cost: 250

Name: Large boom!

Action: In gipere all enemies explode.

Rules: To the final battle the call is not extended: To collect in gipere [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+Boom the cost: 30

Name: Hatred for Rangers the action: All ships, absolutely all begin to hate Rangers, including player.

Rules: The relation of Rangers to each other and the ratio of planets to

Rangers remains constant.

Call: To collect in space [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+HateRangers the cost: 10

Name: Invasion of pirates the action: In each system, the belonging to forces coalition, it is born according to the pirate.

Rules: They be absent

Call: To collect on the pirate base [ Shift]+[Ctrl]+Pirates the cost: 100

-from "Drago Valoh"