	I was lazy...  Copy the file into your FOT directory (ususally something
like C:Program Files14 degrees EastFallout Tactics).  Make a backup of
your BOS.exe.  Run.

	If you think this screwed up your BOS.exe then revert back to it.  If you
dind't make a backup, simply reapply the 1.27 patch.

	What it can't do (or what I could do if I wasn't so lazy):
		CRC check/size check to make sure the file is valid.
		Check for the file from the registry (there's 3 locations you can find it)
		Check for the file in the default directory it should be installed in,
		taking into account your machine locale.
		Search for the file by itself, or prompt you for it.

This crack is dedicated to all the stupid companies who think making a backup
of your CD is a bad thing.  Well, I lost 3 CDs this way, and am farely pissed
so here's a CD-check removing app, for Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel
version 1.27.

Note: The original information I got from the 1.25 crack which I found, which
included some assembly code as to what the crack did.  I used this information
to create the enw crack, which ends up being the exact same crack, except
applied at a different offset.

Note that my first crack was actually chinging the je to jne after the
test al,al;...  But that ends up quite annoying if you don't have the full
installation of the game :)

Extra notes: I bothered linking to win32 files for the file access stuff,
to avoid using stdio/fstream...  I though it'd save space for the executable,
but not really.  All in all it took me hald a day to do this and I learned
Windows' file access functions...  A neat thing about using those function is
that it'll work using UNC file names (ie: network files, and the \? prefix
for UNICODE), where normal file IO doesn't support it.

	Red! - Me! Made this small cd-remover app.
	SoftBeard - Original assembly dump for 1.25 crack.
	S@hee - My wife for putting up with me while I write this crap.
	Alexandra - My 2 year old.  Cauz she's great!
	Zoe - My newborn (2 weeks old), for being on my shoulder
		sleeping while I was figureing this out and cosing it.