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     |  |        ___________ ___________  ____  __. __________         |m |     
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     |  |          |    |     |         |    |     /     /_          |r |     
     |  |          |____|    /_______  / |____|__  /_______          |a |     
     |  |                            /          /         /         |l |     
     |  |              ______    ____   ________  ________             || |     
     |  |             /  __    /_   | /   __    \_____              |2 |     
     |  |             >      <   |   | \____    /   _(__  <            |0 |     
     |  |            /   --     |   |    /    /   /                  |0 |     
     |  |            \______  /  |___|   /____/   /______  /           |2 |     
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     ///////// [ http://www.vngamecenter.com ]//////////     
     |                  ...:::::[ RELEASE INFO ]:::::...                  |     
     |                        Operation Flashpoint                 	  |
     |         			   Red Hammer                             |
     |                                                                    |     
     | [ Releaser     ] : T-RaiNeR       [ Game version ] : All           |     
     | [ Release Date ] : 27.03.2002     [ OS           ] : All Windows   |     
     | [ Size         ] : 613 KB         [ Requirements ] : N/A           |     
     | [ Version      ] : N/A	         [ Options      ] : +2            |     
     |                                                                    |     
     |               ...:::::[ GREETZ FLY OUT TO ]:::::...                |     
     |                                                                    |     
     |        All TekZ Members - MiCRaL - xrebel - SpawNRuleR             |     
     |                Monster Of Persia- MaxPower - Tsongkie              |     
     |                   Invader - Jake - Shaikh_Adeel                    |
     |                   						  |
     |     		All those I forgot... And YOU!                    |   
     |                                                                    |     
     |                  ...:::::[ CONTACT INFO ]:::::...                  |     
     |                                                                    |     
     | If you want to contact us send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or  |     
     | visit our channel #tekz on server : rootsandwings.com (port 443).  |     
     |                You can also visit our web site at :                |     
     |                    http://www.vngamecenter.com                     |     
     |                   http://tekz8193.hypermart.net                    |                      |             							  |
     |                    ...:::::[ JOIN US ]:::::...                     |     
     |                                                                    |     
     | TekZ is always looking for dedicated, experienced game hackers to  |     
     | join us on our journey... So if you think you got what it takes go |     
     |     to TekZ Web site, Join page and send in your application.      |     
     |                                                                    |     
     |                   ...:::::[ DISCLAIMER ]:::::...                   |     
     |                                                                    |     
     | This program has been tested and provided to you "AS IS", meaning  |     
     |  we do not take any responsibility for anything you do with it.    |     
     |                                                                    |     
                        _____    _    ____  ___ _ ___ ____                      
                       |_   _|__| |__|_  / ( _ ) / _ \__ /                      
                         | |/ -_) / / / /  / _  \_, /|_                       
     |=================  |_|\___|_\_/___| \___/_|/_/|___/================|     
     |                    ascii / nfo layout by MiCRaL                    |     