If you read this screen it's probably because there's a problem. 
So, here is some explanations!

This is my first program for Windows 95/98, I hope it works well but I can't 
assure you there will be no problem! A great reason that you can get any 
problems, isn't it?

This program handle only the savegame for the V1.0, V1.1, V1.2 (French), 
V1.25 and V1.25 (Portuguese) of the game. 
And also the V2.0, V2.1 of SPELLS OF THE ANCIENTS,  

I tried to understand the files "" and "" but I'm a 
dumb and I really didn't understand how it works. Seems there's some 
picture files in it but can't find a way to use it! 
If someone has an idea... Tell me!
Ok, here we go!

1/You cannot add more than around 40 cards at one time. You'll get an error. 
As soon as I got the time to fix it, I'll do it. 
2/I have report that the TOME OF ENLIGHTMENT didn't work!

About the savegame, you have to know that the "MAGIC3.SVE" is particular. 
In fact, this is the file where your game was saved when you quit the game. 
You can load it only when you click on "RESUME" on the first menu of the 

First, you have to know that the change for food, gold, amulets and 
World Of Magic are not made just when you change the value. After you 
change the value you want, you have to click on "SAVE THE CHANGE" on 
the "FILE" menu. 

But, for the Cards editor and the Mana Links, it's automatic. If you add a card, 
it will be added at the same moment. That's the same when you change a card 
for an another. Do I have to tell you for Mana Links?

It will be possible to give you millions of each. But I set the modification only 
to a maximum of 99999. There's one good reason. More the number is long 
and more you trash the Gfx of the game. Take that for a some kind of 
respect... But, there's a bug! If you can take 99999 of each thing, the 
Up/down button are limited to 32000. Uh? Ok! It's my real first thing on 
Windows and I don't understand the whole thing right now! So, you can get 
99999 in typing the number directly on the edit boxes.

With DUELS OF PLANESWALKERS, there's a problem who shows up 
about the cards. It's the fact that there's some cards you don't have 
access if you don't install SPELLS OF THE ANCIENT, 
So, when you use the possibility to exchange or add a card, there's 
some cards on the list that won't appear in the game even if you put it 
into the savegame!

To avoid any bad conflict with the game, when you exchange a card, it's 
removed from any of your three decks. So, after you exchange cards, it's 
better to look at your decks to see if there's nothing missing to properly play. 

You can double-click into the box card when you want to add a card. 
The box remains and you can continue to double-click to get 
more cards of the same kind without to have browse to find it again! Be 
carefull because there's no count and no visual help for this! I add it because 
someone (Jeff) ask it to me. When you click on "OK", it do the same thing as 
before. Hope this help!

Someone (but I can't remember who) ask me a few month ago to put a way 
to sort card. I never did it because I thought it was difficult to do! Humm! 
In fact, I'm stupid because it was really easy! So, I did it! 

I use the ressource of the game to get the name of the cards. So, it's 
sometime a little fuzzy to read. But it was the only way I found to do it.

Is there two problems of name...

Mons's Goblin Raiders is named as "Goblin Raidrs".
Verduran Enchantress is named as "Enchantress".

Now, there's probably more name problem with SPELLS OF THE ANCIENTS 
but I don't know wich one!

The Mana Links are link into cities. When you get all the Mana Links, all the 
cities are listed in the menu on the game (CITIES LIST). So you can know 
where the World Of Magic are located (there's probably a better way to get it 
around here anyway!). There's a random number of cities. So, it's difficult to 
tell you how many links (life points) you can obtain. It's usually between 20 and 
40. Weirdly, at the beginning of the game, you have 10 life so it will be 
logical to think that you obtain the number of life points in adding the number 
of Mana Link with 10. It's wrong, you add only 5. Don't ask me why, I just 
don't know!
You probably notice the "BULLCHEAT LINK" button! In the game, you can't 
establish a Mana Link into a village! Yes, sure! Just convert all villages in 
cities and establish the Mana Links to gets over 100 life points! But, you 
have to know that if you make it there's no way to go back after! 

Those of you who gets the V1.4 probably know that I believed there's 128 cities 
and so it will be possible to get 128 life points. I was wrong! In doing that, I 
erased also the dungeons, the 4 Wizard's Castles and the Beast. The game 
became pointless in this way. The problem is now fixed (I hope!).

To be exact, the program was tested by some nice guy. I call them Beta 
Tester. Usually, after this kind of test the guy give their advice, the whole thing 
has to work properly. It's goot to hear, no?
In fact, no! I'm really busy these days! And I don't have the time to test this 
version with the old game (V1.0 to V1.25). In theory, it works but I had the 
possibility to sort the cards and it might give you some problems! In fact, I 
don't know! 


You can get all my cheats (Theme Park, Theme Hospital, etc...) directly at my 
homepage :

Hope you enjoy the thing like I enjoy to do it and also to play with MTG.

This BullCheatWare is forbidden to be distributed without my authorization!
It's usually because I want to know where my little cheats goes... 
So, if you ask, I think I'll tell you that's "OK"! If you don't ask, well, it's not 
"OK" at all! ;-) 

Christophe "ARIOCH" LEMONNIER (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Mikael Pelle
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

BETA TESTER (V2.11 For support of Portuguese Version)
André Pires Ferreira Vianna
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

BETA TESTER  (2.0-2.1)
Shawn Koonin (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

BETA TESTER  (1.0-1.55)
Whit Crowley (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) 
Jeff Zimmerman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Gilles Recrosio (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Have you a Laserdisc or a DVD player?

So, take a look at :
(Respect the case... It's important!)

And also check my LASER TRACE program who is a really good 
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