1.What a trainer is
	A. Editing Character
		a.Editing Strength
		b.Editing Dextirity
		c.Editing Vitality
		d.Editing Energy
		e.Editing Stat Points
		f. Editing Skill Points
		g.Editing Health
		h.Editing Stamina
		i. Editing Mana
		j  Editing Gold
		k.Editing Level
		l. Editing Experience

What a trainer is

A trainer is a 3rd party gaming program which allows you to edit values in HEX or DECIMAL these values are found at addresses it's hard to do this but once you do you can do some pretty amazing things with your game just remember to back up your game.

1.Backup your game
2.Backup your game
3.Backup your game
4.Backup your game
5.Backup your game
6.Backup your game
7.Backup your game
8.Backup your game
9.Backup your game



Editing strength is easy all you have to do is type the value you wan't the trainer won't accept anything higher than 65535. Editing strength also effects your attack damage.

Editing dexterity is as easy as editing strength just type the value you wan't the trainer won't accept anything higher than 65535. Editing strength affects attack rating and attack damage.

Editing vitality is easy just type in the number bla bla 65535. THIS WILL NOT AFFECT STAMINA OR LIFE.

Editing energy is the same as editing vitality 65535. DOES NOT AFFECT MANA.

Editing stat points is same only this time you can only edit up to 255.

Editing skill points is the same as stat points.

Editing health is the same 65535.

Editing stamina same 65535.

Editing Mana same 65535.

Here we go finally gold aaaaaaaaaaaaah the only meaningful thing of life now its important to remember this DON'T TYPE IN MORE THAN YOU CAN CARRY PERIOD.  I don't know how many e-mails I get from people uuuhhhhhh my game froze when I typed in my gold well don't type more than you can carry errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  In the next version I will probably make it so you can edit how much gold you can carry max!

Editing Level is easy you can go to 255 but DON'T only type 99 max because then everything won't get messed up

Editing experience is easy I put that in so that if your not a real cheater if their is then you can just make your experience to next level 1 so you can just kill 1 monster and level up. I plan to make a freeze button that will keep it at 1 in the next version.


This could take awhile

I would like to thank me for the following:
Graphics - great job might I add
Designs of Trainer - couldn't of looked better if I had done it myself
Finding values in game - might I add it was kind off hard sense every time my computer locked.
Writing readme - wooooooosh almost done

Check my website for updates at HTTP://www.geocities.com/ziegler_bob2000/Home.html
E-mail me for comments mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

P.S. I would also like to thank my friend the great Tristeny (Tris-tee-nee) for letting me destroy his game.