Bie Multitrainer

By Bie @ Razali Rambli
Sarawak, Malaysia.

Email: (remove _IHATEWORM to send email to me)
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This is for single player game only and not for Online/Multiplayer 
Don't ask or email me about online/multiplayer game. 
How to use this:

Just run this program. 
Remember the hotkey of each cheat. 
Run game and press the hotkey if you wish to enable any cheat. 

Lemonade Tycoon 
Lemonade Tycoon
version 1.1.6 (Demo/Shareware version)


Dated Added: 2 April 2004

Trainer Option:

Hotkeys Description 
Press Numpad + (Add) Universal Increase Cheat Modifier
This is a universal increasing cheat modifier. 
With Money Cheat Enable

Pressing 1 will select Money Cheat, pressing this button will increase your money by $100. If your current money is $40, pressing this key will increase your money to $140 and so on. 
If no cheat is selected and you pressing this button, it will automatically select Money cheat. 
With Lemon Cheat Enable

Pressing 2 will select Lemon Cheat, pressing this button will increase your lemon amount by 1. If your current lemon is 12, pressing this key will increase your lemon quantity to 13 and so on. 
With Sugar Cheat Enable

Pressing 3 will select Sugar Cheat, pressing this button will increase your sugar amount by 1. If your current sugar is 12, pressing this key will increase your sugar quantity to 13 and so on. 
With Ice Cheat Enable

Pressing 4 will select ice Cheat, pressing this button will increase your ice amount by 1. If your current ice is 12, pressing this key will increase your ice quantity to 13 and so on. 
With Cup Cheat Enable

Pressing 5 will select Cup Cheat, pressing this button will increase your Cup amount by 1. If your current Cup is 12, pressing this key will increase your cup quantity to 13 and so on. 
Press Numpad - (Subtract) Universal Decrease Cheat Modifier
This is a universal decreasing cheat modifier. 
With Money Cheat Enable

Pressing 1 will select Money Cheat, pressing this button will decrease your money by $100. If your current money is $540, pressing this key will decrease your money to $440 and so on. 
This button have a build in over pressing function to protect the user. If the user pressing this button and the money amount reach below $100, this button will automatically disable. 
If no cheat is selected and you pressing this button, it will automatically select Money cheat. 
With Lemon Cheat Enable

Pressing 2 will select Lemon Cheat, pressing this button will decrease your lemon amount by 1. If your current lemon is 12, pressing this key will decrease your lemon quantity to 11 and so on. 
This button have a build in over pressing function to protect the user. If the user pressing this button and the lemon amount reach 1, this button will automatically disable 
With Sugar Cheat Enable

Pressing 3 will select Sugar Cheat, pressing this button will decrease your sugar amount by 1. If your current sugar is 12, pressing this key will decrease your sugar quantity to 11 and so on. 
This button have a build in over pressing function to protect the user. If the user pressing this button and the sugar amount reach 1, this button will automatically disable 
With Ice Cheat Enable

Pressing 4 will select ice Cheat, pressing this button will decrease your ice amount by 1. If your current ice is 12, pressing this key will decrease your ice quantity to 11 and so on. 
This button have a build in over pressing function to protect the user. If the user pressing this button and the ice amount reach 1, this button will automatically disable 
With Cup Cheat Enable

Pressing 5 will select Cup Cheat, pressing this button will decrease your cup amount by 1. If your current cup is 12, pressing this key will decrease your cup quantity to 11 and so on. 
This button have a build in over pressing function to protect the user. If the user pressing this button and the cup amount reach 1, this button will automatically disable 
Press Page Up Increasing Modifier for Universal Cheat Modifier (use of this cheat is not recommended)
For money option the default value is $100 if you increase your money, this give you a choice to add more each time your press Numpad + (Add) by 1 cent. Press this 1 time will make you add $100.01 into your current money. 
For all 4 ingredient option, the default value is 1, this will give you a choice to add more each time you press Numpad + (Add) by 1 item. Press this 1 time will make you add 2 into your current amount of ingredient. 
Press Page Down Decreasing Modifier for Universal Cheat Modifier (use of this cheat is not recommended)
For money option the default value is $100 if you decrease your money, this give you a choice to decrease more each time your press Numpad - (Subtract) by 1 cent. Press this 1 time will make you decrease $99.99 from your current money. 
If you have use the above option, this option for all 4 ingredient will enable automatically. 
Press 1 Money Cheat Enable
Select this cheat and use Universal Cheat Modifier to control the cheat. 
Press 2 Lemon Cheat Enable
Select this cheat and use Universal Cheat Modifier to control the cheat. 
Press 3 Sugar Cheat Enable
Select this cheat and use Universal Cheat Modifier to control the cheat. 
Press 4 Ice Cheat Enable
Select this cheat and use Universal Cheat Modifier to control the cheat. 
Press 5 Cup Cheat Enable
Select this cheat and use Universal Cheat Modifier to control the cheat. 
Press F1 Select All Ingredient Cheat
This is an extended selector for all ingredient. 
When you press this button, it will select all 4 ingredient; Lemon, Sugar, Ice and Cup. 
Use Universal Cheat Modifier to control all 4 value simultaneously. 
For example, Lemon = 100, Sugar = 50, Ice = 12 and Cup = 25. Pressing Universal Increase Cheat Modifier, will increase all ingredient amount simultaneously by 1. That mean your ingredient amount now is Lemon = 101, Sugar = 51, Ice = 13 and Cup = 26. 
And pressing Universal Decrease Cheat Modifier will do vice versa than above. 
Press F2 Enable All Upgrade Free
This will enable all upgrade without paying for it. 
Warning! Enabling all upgrade need you to play a better strategy of gaining profit. Adjust your lemon price and rent a better place. 
To disable this, please see below. 
To get individual upgrade, please read more below. 
Press F3 Disable All Upgrade Free
All upgrade will be remove including all the purchased upgrade. 
To enable just a upgrade that you really want, read below. 
Shift + Q = Enable
Ctrl + Q = Disable High Output Citrus Juicer 
Shift + W = Enable
Ctrl + W = Disable Miracle 9000 Power Juicer 
Shift + E = Enable
Ctrl + E = Disable Ice-O-Matic Ice Dispenser 
Shift + R = Enable
Ctrl + R = Disable Take2 Lemonade Dispenser 
Shift + T = Enable
Ctrl + T = Disable Mr Fridge 
Shift + Y = Enable
Ctrl + Y = Disable High Output Automatic Ice Maker 
Shift + U = Enable
Ctrl + U = Disable Shademaker 3000 Canopy 
Shift + I = Enable
Ctrl + I = Disable Classic Stand 
Shift + O = Enable
Ctrl + O = Disable Lemon Stand 
Shift + P = Enable
Ctrl + P = Disable Castle Stand 
Shift + A = Enable
Ctrl + A = Disable High Fi Sound System 
Shift + S = Enable
Ctrl + S = Disable Bright Light Neon System 
Shift + D = Enable
Ctrl + D = Disable EZserve Cash Register 

Bie Greets:
Sheep Jessica, Eedok & DGF, Dopey, Synbios, Stonerifik, Brzi, Invader, Erhan, Sorin, Chaos, Danrevella, FrozeByte, Shinero, boyesen, Rich (DeathStar), Hotfloppy, A-jaXXX, FrozenKnight, Micral, Snake, samuraixxx, Max Power, Divine Shadow, Evobyte, Victor D.W, Marc Rile, Kevin, Sark, Tutle, David, Matt, DDH, Demented, Fahrenheit, Jetbo, Chrismas, P2P, NH2, psico, xanatos, jenettedowning, Swatto, Flyke, micral, Tom, Ann.

Too many... just email me if I forgot your name :D