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                                  -=|CES|=-                     MMN
                          http://www.gamehacking.com            MM;
| ???????? CES Is Proud To Present		     					|

*[Releaser's Nick		: Victor D. ?Wolverine?
*[Name Of The Game	: IceWind Dale
*[Version Of The Game	: 1.01 (updated)
*[Game Homepage		: http://www.interplay.com/ 
*[Your Trainer Version	: 4.00
*[Number Of Options	: +12
*[Release Date		: 12 April 2004

| ???????? Instructions									|

How to use this trainer:
By preference start the game and then the trainer, although you can start the trainer first and then the game.
1) In the Abilities/Proficiency/Spells/Skills edit boxes you can the values of points available when creating a game (left column) or leveling up / dual classing your characters (right column)and you set up the characteristics of the members of the party, change to a value between 0 and 255; give yourself points, attribute all points, change to 0 points, take 1 point from the characteristics and attribute it again to be able to proceed.
2) Money = 10.000.000 is to change the money the party has.
3) Max Weapons has two options ON and OFF, by clicking on ON the Arrows/Bolts/Darts/ThrowDaggers don?t decrease when you use then and OFF disables this Max Weapons option.
You can see in the status box on the right of the buttons if the option is ON or OFF.
4) Quick Itens has two options ON and OFF, by clicking on ON the Quick Itens don?t decrease when you use then and OFF disables this Quick Itens option.
You can see in the status box on the right of the buttons if the option is ON or OFF.
5) No Reputation Fall has two options ON and OFF, by clicking on ON the personal reputation of rangers and paladins don?t decrease when you do evil deeds OFF disables this No Reputation Fall option.
You can see in the status box on the right of the buttons if the option is ON or OFF.

Note: the Max Weapons and the Quick Itens options both NOP 1 common address so I recommend have the 2 options ON/OFF at the same time.

| ???????? Team Greetz									|

? Olivier ? CES Members ? Ex-CES Members ? DLH ? IRC visitors ? Forum Visitors! ?

| ???????? Personal Greetz								|

CES ? DLH ? Extalia ? Divine Shadow

| ???????? Contact - Info								|

*[CES HomePage		: http://www.gamehacking.com			
*[CES Chat Room		: #GameHacking Channel On The Undernet Network

CES is searching for experienced members who like working in a unified
team, so if you think: 'Hey ! That fits to me', visit our webpage,
inform yourself about CES and get in touch with us ASAP.

| ???????? General Info									|

A "trainer" is a third-party program that is designed to alter memory
locations of running programs (games). In order for a trainer to work,
it must be running simultaneously with the game it was written for.
Do not close the trainer until you are finished playing the game.
Since trainers are written to alter Specific memory locations, they
usually only work with specific versions of the game. This is the most
common problem when trainers seem to be "not working".

| ???????? Disclaimer									|

This program has been tested and provided to you "AS IS", meaning we do
not take any responsibility for anything you do with it. It has been
tested and should work perfectly on your system.

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|		CES - 'If it's in the game, it's in the Release'		|