:-:                                                     :-:
:-:   %%%%% &&&   &&& %%%%%%%% %%%%% %%    &&     %%%%% :-:
:-:  %%%     &&& &&&     %%   %%  %% %%    &&    %%  %% :-:
:-: %%%%%%    &&&&&     %%   %%   %% %%    &&   %%   %% :-:
:-: %%%      &&& &&&   %%   %%%%% %% %%    &&  %%%%% %% :-:
:-:  %%%%%  &&&   &&& %%   %%     %% %%%%& && %%     %% :-:
:-:                &&&  G H T                           :-:
:-:                 &&&    Da Fighters Of Gamez         :-:
:-:                  &&&      http://www.extalia.com    :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: [ Releaser Name   ] ..Shinero                       :-:
:-: [ Releaser Email  ] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.        :-:
:-: [ Release Name    ] ..GTA Vice City v1.1            :-:
:-: [ Release Date    ] ..01/12/03                      :-:
:-: [ Release Type    ] ..Trainer                       :-:
:-: [ Release Version ] ..1.2                           :-:
:-: [ Release Size    ] ..100kkb                        :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: [ Release Usage   ]                                 :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:    1. Update the game to version 1.1                :-:
:-: Now for the trainer to work properly you must       :-:
:-: press the coressponding hotkey for the              :-:
:-: desired effect. Also one other thing the            :-:
:-: hotkeys are the numbers along the letters and       :-:
:-: not the numpad.                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: 1 Infinite Health - Does exactly what it says       :-:
:-: gives u infinte health                              :-:
:-: 2 Infinite Armour - Same again but with your        :-:
:-: armour                                              :-:
:-: 3 Infinite Ammo - Well I guess you can't guess      :-:
:-: what this does                                      :-:
:-: 4 $99999999 - This will give you $99999999          :-:
:-: money                                               :-:
:-: 5 Freeze Time - This will freeze the game time      :-:
:-: 6 All Cops - This will give you a 6 star wanted     :-:
:-: level                                               :-:
:-: 7 No Cops - This give you no cops and gets rid      :-:
:-: of any wanted level you have at the time.           :-:
:-: 8 Freeze Blue Bar - You will notice that through    :-:
:-: out the game you will come across this bloddy       :-:
:-: annoying blue bar if you freeze it say you are      :-:
:-: on the phil cassidy mission where he's              :-:
:-: wrecked off moonshine he will have infinite         :-:
:-: health so you can take all day taking him to the    :-:
:-: hospital. Also on the dodo mission it will give     :-:
:-: you infinite fuel. Well you get the point.          :-:
:-: 9 This will freeze your mission timer               :-:
:-: 0 Instant Kills - This does exactly what it you     :-:
:-: can now ill people in one shot or punch very        :-:
:-: handy.                                              :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:   Greetz fly out to - Sheep Tsongkie Bie Raven 
:-:Ellisiaos D.N.A and everyone in #gamehacking on efnet
:-:                                                        :-:
:-: Yes, you can join our affiliation program!          :-:
:-: You can either affiliate with us by exchanging      :-:
:-: banners or links... either of them is usefull since :-:
:-: website hit-count grows day by day! For more info   :-:
:-: visit the following URL:                            :-:
:-: http://www.extalia.com/home/?sel=affiliate          :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: The Extalia member directory is respected by the    :-:
:-: Extalia council and members. Copyrights/work/trades :-:
:-: registered by the respected Extalia GHT members.    :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:-:-:-:-Generated with Extalia Nfo Maker V1.21:-:-:-:-:-: