___________   ___________  ________/   ____________ _____
    +----- \_  _____ /___\__  _____/ -\_______  \__\___  /_   |/    / -+
    |      /  ___/  /    /    /       /    /    /     /   /  _/   _/   |
    |   __/   /   _/    /    /     __/  __/    /   __/   /       \_   |
    |       /_____    /    /          ______/_____    /_____    /   |
    +---   / ----   /   / ------   / ----------   / -----   / ---+
          /        /   /          /              /         / (nw!)

                ÚÄÄÄÄ  FairLight DOX Division Presents: ÄÄÄÄ¿
ÚÙ                      Battle For Troy Plus 13 Trainer                     ÚÙ
:   Cracked by:  FAiRLiGHT            : :  Release Date: 04/16/04            :
³   Packaged by: FAiRLiGHT            ³ ³  # of Options: 13                  ³
³   Type: [ ] Manual/Reference Card   ³ ³          Type: Trainer             ³
³         [ ] Walkthrough             ³ ³                                    ³
³         [ ] Strategy Guide          ³ ³                                    ³
:         [X] Cheat/Trainer           ³ ³                                    :
:         [ ] Patch                   ³ ³                                    ³  
³   Number of archives: 1             ³ ³                                    ³

   WAR OF THE POSERS (<--- should be ROSES!! GET IT? ) :)
   If group politics doesnt amuse or interest u in the slightest, im sure it 
   doesnt for a lot of people then please ignore this whole section and whizz 
   down to the option description. 
   If on the other hand ur amused by an irate, ego maniac with a severe god 
   complex <-- im all of these things apparently .. though it seems my 
   accusers cant find one sentence where i proclaim myself as god.. weird.. 
   considering one of them actually has "GOD, and dont forget it" as a very 
   used quote on a popular chatting network.. 
   I will not use peoples nicks in this nfo that dont really need to be in 
   here.. or havent already marked their names on nfos elsewhere.. this means 
   im actually only mentioning 1 nick so without any further bollocks from 
   the GOD of trainer making.. erm.. i mean me.. <-- proof of HUGE EGO!!! 
   they can use that as a search string next time they need to use this oh so 
   boring argument... lets move on... 
   one day monk was hanging around the #gamehacking channel on efnet looking 
   like a retarded space cadette as he so often did.. sheep kindly asked monk 
   what was wrong..
   monk: the other kids wont play with me cus im such a fucking idiot and all 
   i can do is produce extremely sub standard trainers for some lame ass web 
   group called CES.. 
   sheep: well.. they do have a point u whining little spunk bubble.. perhaps 
   u should stop bitching about it and learn some new techniques?
   monk: I really wish i could.. but i have this special condition that 
   prohibits me from learning anything that involves natural thought 
   process.. but i can do this.. 
   *monk runs around the channel with his finger up his nose*
   sheep: hmm.. great.. but how about we start slowly and then build our way 
   up to something that doesnt involve u stuffing things into ur body 
   monk: well ill try.. but im not promising anything.. 
   sheep: great.. here we go.. ill teach u a few things.. then u run along 
   and build on what i teach u.. and because im a trusting person ill even 
   teach u how i did my MOUSE OVER routines in rts games.. hows that sound?
   monk: wow!! u would do that for me?? THANKS!! 
   so.... *sheep tells monk how he did the mouse over techniques for a game 
   because even though the mouse over routines are easy to master monk is 
   very very thick.. so it takes some time for him to catch on*
   several months later.....
   *sheep spots monk wonder into the gamehacking channel again*
   sheep: hey there monk!
   monk: erm.. do i know u? 
   sheep: its me .. ur friend sheep. 
   monk: ah yeah.. what u want? 
   sheep: just wondered how u were doing with ur training.. 
   monk: erm.. yeah.. its good.. u didnt see my latest release?
   sheep: OH!!!! u mean the one where u fuck me up the ass with a large stick 
   trying to make my trainer look bad by telling people it works for the AI 
   aswell as the player and not really setting ur statement in context?? 
   erm.. no im afraid i didnt catch it.. 
   monk: yeah.. well i cant remember u teaching me shit.. in fact in that nfo 
   i even went as far as to make mouse over functions look lame..
   sheep: well.. i guess im the fool here.. no good deeds goes unpunished..
   monk: whatever loser.. ur OWNED!!! 
   Now this was obviously a made up transcript of a very real event.. now ill 
   be sensible and try and defend myself against the slur that monk did 
   indeed STAB!! me in the back with.
   Let me start by saying the rls date of the update for AOM was 2 months 
   before his trainer was rlsed.. which is actually an average time for him 
   to make a trainer.. check out his other work.. erm.. if u can find them.. 
   Monk says that my trainer lets the AI have benefits when his clearly does 
   not.. he doesnt explain to u that anyone with a brain could make sure the 
   enemy didnt have benefit because u could turn the option on and off.. 
   now.. he somehow believes that it is beyond my capability to do this.. i 
   must admit that i maybe guilty of skimming over simple options and instead 
   of spending extra time making sure its player specific i just put in an 
   OFF option instead.. this is because i like to see what weird and 
   wonderful options i can make.. and not spend time on options that i could 
   set my grandmother to work at.. again.. u could say im just full of shit 
   and could do it.. but then ill just say go look at my work over the last 4 
   years.. its a strong testament to what i CAN do.. so i hope that is 
   cleared up... 
   If someone is going to try and insult me and make my trainers look bad 
   they should really have the ability to match or come close to what ive 
   achieved with the previous SAID trainer.. this guy has produced a +8 
   trainer .. labeled it +12 and still managed to ONLY!! do options that 
   anyone with half a brain could achieve.. 
   The reason this complete turnip thinks he has 12 options is because he 
   counts every resource option as 1 option each..  
   NOTE!! (my trainer which is a REAL +11 counts ALL resources as 1 option
           so in monks evaluation that turns my +11 into a +15) YAY!
   Now.. this is LAME!! at the best of times.. counting 1 resource as 1 
   option.. now usually when people do this they assign a key to every 
   option.. ie.. A - infinite gold  B - infinite wood.. but oh no!! not our 
   clever monk.. this fucker has actually put every resource under 1 key.. 
   and STILL!!! claims its +12.. i could stop here.. cus ive already shown u 
   what a complete untrustworthy fucker he is.. but i think ill just go 1 
   step further.. 
   he will no doubt claim that he put all resources and population cap under 
   1 key because it was convenient.. hahah i happen to know.. BECAUSE!! ive 
   trained it.. that splitting these options requires a little more work than 
   he is capable of.. because everything option under that R key are oddly 
   enuff all the values that get encrypted by the game.. there is no way 
   someone would put population CAP with fucking infinite resources unless 
   they were not capable of splitting them up.. and had just read my tutorial 
   on how to inject into the very light decryption routine.. though of 
   course.. im sure monk worked all that out for himself.. and never took a 
   peek at my tutorial...
   Lets look at his options and mine.. i mean.. if his trainer is as good as 
   he thinks.. i should get shown up in this section!!!
       monks wonderful options
       01) R - Resources
       02) B - Instant Buildings   (sheeps option 9)
       03) U - Instant Upgrades
       04) N - Instant Units       (sheeps option 9)
       05) I - Immortality
       06) S - Instant Special Attacks
       07) K - Kill Unit
       08) lame ass god power changer need to alt tab out of game for.
           Q - All Cheats Off  <-- best option contained in the trainer.
       sheeps pile of shit trainer options
      01)  C  - Cycle God Power           * (looks like monk didnt master
                                             enuff asm to code a cycler)
      02)  G  - Hand of God Pointer       
      03)  R  - Infinite Resources        
      04)  0  - Death Pointer             
      05)  F1 - Speed Pointer             *    
      06)  F2 - Encumbrance Pointer      *  
           X  - Normalize Pointer      
      07)  F3 - Infinite God Power on     *   
           F4 - Infinite God Power off    
      08)  F5 - Scout Reveals Map         *
      09)  B  - Instant Build on          
           N  - Instant Build off
      10)  W  - Control All Wildlife      *     
      11)  T  - Control Next Army         *
   hmm, already we start to see something strange.. even though i hear sheeps 
   trainer is the worst of the 2.. it seems that sheep can actually count.. 
   well thats a plus for sheep i feel!!
   now.. what i dont understand is this!!! u will notice that in sheeps 
   trainer option 9 covers both options 2 and 4 of monks trainer.. so it 
   looks like monk CAN!!! split options.. he just hasnt learnt which ones 
   need to be split up and which ones are obviously there for the sake of 
   making 2 options into 1.. 
   now.. u might be wondering what the little * is next to each of those 
   sheep options .. well.. these are options that actually took time and 
   skill to manage.. they are also options that monk did not have in his 
   so let me get this clear.. sheep actually has 7 options in his trainer 
   that monk doesnt??? WOW!! well.. the facts are above u.. look with ur own 
   message to monk!!! Next time u want to use my name in a fucking nfo make 
   sure ur shit fucking shines brother.. cus when u bring shit like this to 
   the table u make my job easy.
   and u guys thought the fun was all over?? 
   *again sheep is grazing at his favorite field in gamehacking land when he 
   spots a dark figure he hasnt seen for a long time!!!*
   dark figure: hey sheep.. long time no see.. remember me?
   sheep: yeah man!! good to see u.. hows things?
   dark figure: ah.. u know.. COOL!! 
   sheep: great!! so ur back to make trainers?
   dark figure: heh yeah.. should be fun to mix with u guys again..
   sheep: for real man!! glad ur back in town.. 
   *several days later somewhere deep in an evil lair*
   dark figure: hahah.. i just spoke to that prick sheep.. man he thinks im 
   his friend.. what a fucking idiot.. 
   minion number 1: hahah yeah.. hahah yeah.. erm what? 
   dark figure: i checked out his trainer engine.. man it fucking sucks.. i 
   mean.. how the fuck can something be THAT ugly with just 1 gui.. hahah!
   minions number 1 2 and 3: hahah yeah.. heheh.. sheep.. hehe .. he sucks.. 
   hehe yeah.. yeah!!!
   dark figure: his trainer engine only writes 1 byte every time he calls 
   writeprocessmemory.. MAN!!! and it takes 100% cpu time on my cool AMD 
   processor.. can this fucker get much more lamer???
   minion number 4: erm.. u didnt mention anything about the great effects 
   and sweet scroller that he has in his trainers.. also if it was taking 
   that much cpu then u wouldnt be able to do shit.. yet i can run it fine 
   and nothing slows down??
   *minion number 4 is immediately fed to the pigs and is never spoken of 
   dark figure: man!! trainers are pretty lame.. i dont know why im lowering 
   myself to do them.. but hey.. i need something to fill my lonely 
   existence.. and my hand is getting blisters... every option sheep does is 
   useless and all these silly techniques u minions couldnt work out ive done 
   in 20 seconds.. and yeah!! i AM!!! GOD!!! 
   minion 1: ???
   minion 2: ???
   minion 3: ???
   minion 5: where did minion 4 go?
   *minion 5 is immediately fed to several fat pigs with minion 4 breath.*
   *several days later sheep is sat in his erm.. batcave.. when the 
   sheepphone rings*
   sheep picks up phone.. 
   sheep: hello?
   someone that cares: hi.. i dont have long.. but please listen to what dark 
   figure has been saying about u...
   *several hours later*
   sheep: he said all that? 
   someone who cares: yeah.. and he killed minions 4 and .... ARRRRHHHH!!
   sheep: hello?? 
   *sheep never heard the rest of what was said.. just some strange snuffling 
   sounds came from the phone and it hung up.*
   armed with what "someone who cares" had told sheep he vowed to REVENGE 
   "someone who cares" and also to restore the souls of minion 4 and 5.. he 
   would indeed take down that mighty fuckwitt dark figure...
   for some reason i feel the need to say some random sentences.. but are 
   they really random???
   T.he way things are today im surprised we are not all at war.
   O.nce we all start to love we can all get along. 
   X.ylophones are amazing instruments to express love.
   I. think we all need to love each other.
   C.learly my message is in what i say!!!!
   As u can see once again.. this is a fictitious account of a REAL event.. 
   and this is the reason for this trainer... because indeed.. DARK FIGURE 
   produced the trainer im about to shit on from a great height.. 
   Again.. first ill start with the option comparison.. 
      1) F1 - restore full health    <--- anyone notice 
      2) F2 - set life to 32768      <--- these 2 look similar??
      3) F3 - weaken (set life to 1)
      4) F4 - increase gold
      5) F5 - increase artifacts  
                                 (if u read the game documents u will notice  
                                 that the only function that artifacts have   
                                 is to upgrade ur healers RANK!! they are not 
                                 used for anything else.. and hey!! look just 
                                 below.. we got an option that already does   
                                 this.. weird.. ah well.. sheep wouldnt be as 
                                 lame as to put that option in there.      
     6)  F6 - increase rank       
                                (it seems that either this option was tested  
                                worse than a bubblegum condom or dark figure  
                                plainly forgot to tell everyone that if u     
                                set the rank higher than 2 and then gain a    
                                rank in the game (which is very easy) then    
                                ur game will completely crash to desktop.
     7)  F7 - train more troops than the limit
     8)  F8 - finish the training in progress instantly  
       sheeps substandard poor excuse for a trainer :)
                T - TELEPORT UNIT                   *
                U - REMOVE UNIT/BUILDING FROM GAME  *       
                Y - CONTROL ENEMY UNIT              *    
                I - INVISIBLE TROOPS                *
                R - REVEAL ENEMY POSITION           *
                L - ARMAGEDDON ON                   *
                K - ARMAGEDDON OFF                
                G - INFINITE GOLD                 
                S - INFINITE HEALER SPELLS          :)          
                H - BOOST UNIT HEALTH               
                N - REDUCE UNIT HEALTH            
                J - REMOVE POPULATION CAP         
                O - INSTANT BUILD                   :(
                M - SET RANK POINTS TO 2            :(
       hmm.. well.. lets begin.. 
       * = options that dark figure just couldnt do if satan had his sexual   
         organs in a vice.. actually i was at a party last week where         
   that.. erm.. nevermind..           
       :) = options that SHOULD have been in dark figures trainer because     
        even a monkey chasing the dragon could have obtained them.
       :( = options that were properly coded in sheeps trainer and fucked up  
           in the morons trainer.
   well.. hehe thats my lots :) i gotta get along with saving the world from 
   complete assholes..
   dark figure: save it from urself them u big bully!!!!
   *dark figure hides*
   and now we get back to seriousness... 
   Im not a GOD.. Im not a TARGET!!.. Im not an IDIOT.. Im not even that 
   fucking special.. so stop trying to make it ur missions to put me down for 
   no fucking reason.. 
   Anyone who wants to point out flaws in my trainers u make sure ur fucking 
   scene production is flawless itself first.. or u end up looking as fucking 
   stupid as the poor cunts in this nfo.. i do take on board that i could 
   look like a complete prick myself.. but hey!! i got nothing to lose.. 
   people already have a hatred for me.. why? hehehehe
   thanks for reading... ur humble servant sheep.. 
   01) T - TELEPORT UNIT                   (see notes)                  
   02) I - INVISIBLE TROOPS                (see notes) 
   03) R - REVEAL ENEMY POSITION           (see notes)
   04) L - ARMAGEDDON ON  (LEVEL SKIP)     (see notes)
       K - ARMAGEDDON OFF (LEVEL SKIP)               
   05) G - INFINITE GOLD                   
   06) S - INFINITE HEALER SPELLS          (see notes)          
   07) J - REMOVE POPULATION CAP         
   08) O - INSTANT BUILD  
   Mouse Over Options
   09) U - REMOVE UNIT/BUILDING FROM GAME  (see notes)       
   10) Y - CONTROL ENEMY UNIT/BUILDING     (see notes)          
   11) M - SET RANK POINTS TO 2            (see notes)
   12) H - BOOST UNIT HEALTH               (see notes)
   13) N - REDUCE UNIT HEALTH              (see notes)
   Teleport Units - Im very proud once again to bring u imo a great option 
   that isnt really used that much in games.. let me start by saying this 
   option is NOT!! in any way part of the game.. i didnt utilise a cheat code 
   or any spells or powers within the game.. this is 100% reversed option to 
   give u the ability.. click on a unit to select them.. then move ur mouse 
   pointer anywhere on the map and press T this will instantly teleport ur 
   selected unit to that location on the map.. if u keep ur finger pressed 
   down on T it looks like u pick the unit up :))) 
   warning.. dont teleport a unit outside of the map or the game will crash.. 
   common sense really!!!
   Invisible Troops - This option will make any troops that are owned or 
   built by u invisible to other troops.. this will not cover troops u take 
   under ur control with the CONTROL UNIT option.. special units such as 
   minotaur also do not get affected.. but i only found 1 of them in the 
   whole game.. im sure there are others.. but its effective as is.
   Remove unit/building from game - This option completely removes a unit 
   from the game.. now listen carefully.. because im sure the impatient 
   people out there will think this option doesnt work.. select the option.. 
   and BE CAREFUL!! only move ur mouse over units u want removed from the 
   game.. then WAIT!!! it takes anything from 2 to 20 seconds for the game to 
   catch up.. and then u will see the units disappear in front of ur very 
   eyes :) there is 1 tell tell sign they have been touched.. they generally 
   stop doing everything!! but all u really need to do is wait those few 
   seconds and they are gone.. 
   Reveal Enemy Positions - This will show every unit to u on the minimap!
   Armageddon!! - This option actually acts as 2 things.. 1.. it kills every 
   enemy in the game.. and as this is ur mission on every mission in the 
   game.. it also acts as a level skip.. u need to turn it on.. but dont 
   forget to turn it off.. or u skip to the next level after that.. 
   WARNING!! if ur supposed to kill a certain character.. and u have taken 
   control of him with the other TAKE CONTROL option in the trainer.. using 
   armageddon wont skip the level.. so be careful not to be controlling chars 
   that need killing :)
   Infinite healer spells - This will instantly give all ur healers 255 
   spells of each spell.. well there is only 2 different spells.. :) but 
   enjoy none the less.
   Control enemy unit - move ur mouse over an enemy unit to make him urs.. u 
   can now control him to do ur bidding!
   Set rank to 2 - because the game is poorly coded the max u can set ur rank 
   to without crashing the game is 2.. this is because if u set the rank to 
   3.. the next time u gain a rank instead of checking FIRST!! and not adding 
   1.. it adds 1 without checking at all.. and this makes the game crash.. 
   Boost health - This option basically makes ur men invinsible.. it sets 
   their health extremely high.
   Reduce Health - Same as above but for enemy.. reduces enemy health so u 
   just need to hit once to kill! :)
   WELL!! there u have it.. my first step on the journey of REVENGE!! ill let 
   things rest here for now.. but i have a feeling that there are dark forces 
   that will never let this thing die.. so who knows.. maybe u will be 
   hearing more of my adventures in trainer land :)))

   One final thing.. People may remember me writing up my personal rules.. 
   one of them was that i never rls a PROPER after say 2 days at most.. 
   this rls does infact break that rule.. and this is why.. 

   A) That rules applies to a game ive been working on at the same time 
      as the other trainer maker.. 

   B) I didnt start this trainer and was NEVER going to .. until 
      Dark figure started being a complete asshole.. which was days
      after his rls.. so pls forgive me.. to stoop down so low i 
      somtimes even have to compromise my own values..  

   thanks *someone who cares* :)
   stay cool people.. 
   ur always humble servant.. sheep.

 Greetings to our friends in groups such as:
ÚÙ              +-+  Kindest regards - FairLight DOX 2004 +-+               ÚÙ