Title - Kult Heretic kingdoms
Options - +7
Version - 1.0
Date - 03/10/04


F7 Infinite Health     - exactly what it says 
F8 Hand Of mercy       - Anything u put the mouse cursor over 
                         will instantly die. I'd be careful with this option.
F9 1 Hit kill          - Kill with one hit
f10 Give 9999999 Gold  - Im sure u know what this does.
F11 Freeze Time        - Well duh freezes the Game Time
F12 Advance to lvl 20  - when activated open the character screen and you'll automatically advance to level 20.
F1 Everything Off      - Turns all the main cheats off 
F2 infinite Dreamstate - Infinite Time in dream world

Added another option infinite Dreamstate in this repack hell more options :)
