
SodTraine is a trainer for Heroes III Shadow of Death v3.2 (for win2k and winXP).
I think is working with Heroes III Shadow of Death v3.0 (for win9x) too.


Version 1.0
First working programm.
It has only Player and Resources tab.

Version 1.1
Aded Knight tab.

Version 1.2
Aded Knight Army tab.

Version 1.3
Aded Knight Artifacts tab.


First you must have Heroes III Shadow of Death v3.2 running and a map loaded.
At program launch will try to locate an needed adress memory and this operation may take some while( on my computer an AthlonXP at 1800+ it take ~10 seconds).

From Player tab you can choose your colour(or your enemy colour) then you may modify resources values up to 9999999 units for wood, mercury etc and 99999999 units for gold.

In Knight tab you can search for a specific hero and if is found it will be displayed his skills.
You can modify the attack, defence, poker, knowledge up to 64, and you can change his secondary skills. Extra Hero Mobility will make your hero to move virtualy endless. If your hero must cross the water you can use again Extra Hero Mobility by clicking Apply button again and again... :)

In Knight Army tab you can choose army type and quantity of hero army up to 999999 units on each slot.

In Knight Artifacts tab you can choose artifacts wearing by hero. The combined artifacts are not recognizable and will be displayed as None.

For more informations and feedback please send an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This software is a 32 bit application and requires Windows 9x, 2000 and XP, and of course Heroes III Shadow of Death.


No special installation procedure is required. Just unzip the file SODTRAINER.ZIP
which contains the following files:

SodTrainer.exe	Heroes III Shadow of Death v3.2 Trainer
README.TXT	this file

Copy these files into a directory of your choice. No data will be written
to registry, no DLLs are copied to your hard disk.


To uninstall completely just delete SodTrainer.exe and ReadMe.txt from where was installed.


This software is freeware and is provided "as is" and without any warranties expressed or
implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.

In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including,
without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption,
loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use
of or inability to use this software or documentation, even if the author has
been advised of the possibility of such damages.

This software may be distributed freely on online services, bulletin boards,
or other electronic media as long as the files are distributed in their entirety.

Any feedback given to the author will be treated as non-confidential.
The author may use any feedback free of charge without limitation.