:-:                                                     :-:
:-:   %%%%% &&&   &&& %%%%%%%% %%%%% %%    &&     %%%%% :-:
:-:  %%%     &&& &&&     %%   %%  %% %%    &&    %%  %% :-:
:-: %%%%%%    &&&&&     %%   %%   %% %%    &&   %%   %% :-:
:-: %%%      &&& &&&   %%   %%%%% %% %%    &&  %%%%% %% :-:
:-:  %%%%%  &&&   &&& %%   %%     %% %%%%& && %%     %% :-:
:-:                &&&  G H T                           :-:
:-:                 &&&    Da Fighters Of Gamez         :-:
:-:                  &&&      http://www.extalia.com    :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: [ Releaser Name   ] ..Shinero                       :-:
:-: [ Releaser Email  ] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.        :-:
:-: [ Release Name    ] ..The Sims Makin Magic          :-:
:-: [ Release Date    ] ..12/02/2003                    :-:
:-: [ Release Type    ] ..Trainer                       :-:
:-: [ Release Version ] ..1.0                           :-:
:-: [ Release Size    ] ..6kb                           :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: [ Release Usage   ]                                 :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: 1. Run the trainer b4 or during the game            :-:
:-: 2. Press the hotkeys for the desired effect.        :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: HotKeys:                                            :-:
:-: W Infinite personality points.                      :-:
:-: Does exactly what it says on the tin gives you      :-:
:-: Infinite personality points for sims creation       :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: E Money For New Family.                             :-:
:-: This will give you $9999999 for new families        :-:
:-: that are created.                                   :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: R Give $9999999                                     :-:
:-: If the top option isn't for u and you need cash     :-:
:-: pronto then press this spend some money an          :-:
:-: and you will have $9999999                          :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: T Instant Recovery                                  :-:
:-: When you sleep you  will be instantly               :-:
:-: replenished. No more sleeping.                      :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Y Mood Hack                                         :-:
:-: This will Max and freeze all of your mood bars      :-:
:-: very handy.                                         :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: U All Friend                                        :-:
:-: Any1 u meet will be instantly be your friend        :-:
:-: without getting it up to the slow process of 50.    :-:
:-: Very handy  for jobs.                               :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Well at the end of another great release            :-:
:-: Enjoy!!!                                            :-:
:-: [Greetz]                                            :-:
:-: Elissaios, Raven, Vulmner, Bie, Chaos, Futal,       :-:
:-: Vengeance, Prophecy, Ape, Mirage, and last          :-:
:-: but not least YOU!!!                                :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: Yes, you can join our affiliation program!          :-:
:-: You can either affiliate with us by exchanging      :-:
:-: banners or links... either of them is usefull since :-:
:-: website hit-count grows day by day! For more info   :-:
:-: visit the following URL:                            :-:
:-: http://www.extalia.com/home/?sel=affiliate          :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-: The Extalia member directory is respected by the    :-:
:-: Extalia council and members. Copyrights/work/trades :-:
:-: registered by the respected Extalia GHT members.    :-:
:-:                                                     :-:
:-:-:-:-:-Generated with Extalia Nfo Maker V1.21:-:-:-:-:-: