 Stronghold Crusader Warchest V1.1 Trainer by Ransom0par
0 This trainer was created playing Warchest V1.1 on WINXP - it may or may not
work for the regular (not delux) version of Stronghold Crusader or version 1.0 o
f Stronghold Crusader. It also may not work on WIN98 or other OS.par
This trainer was created using a combination of ul TSEARCHulnone  and ul Trai
ner Makerulnone  at cf1 www.fly.to/mtccf0  par
 *Version History*par
0 v0.1 - Trainer created par
v0.2 - Text file much more informative, contact information changed.par
0 Simply start the game, then start the trainer while playing. Trainer locatio
n does not matter.par
 *Trainer Features*0par
Instant Peasants (Must have one house to work correctly) par
- This option is what makes my trainer so unique. It causes all the peasants to
instantly spawn to reach the campfire limit. It is not instant because peasants
are NOT counted when they are spawned exactly (and thats what my trainer does).
They are actually counted after they face the kneel and walk out to the campfire
. So if you build soliders rapidly, you must have enough peasants for as fast as
 you can click your finger for 2 seconds. This is why you need at least one hous
e. You may be able to click 10 times in 2 seconds, but I doubt you can click 18
times in 2 seconds. If not, this will work for you. par
Infinite Moneypar
- Simple, just blows your money up to 99,999 and keeps it therepar
Always 100% Happinesspar
- Simple, just keeps happiness at 100% no matter how cruel you are :)par
 *Contact Me for comments, problems, suggestions*0par
If you wish to contact me about my trainers your email MUST have the subject "Tr
ainers" (no quotes). The spam filter will automatically delete everything else!
The email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.