Bie Multitrainer

By Bie @ Razali Rambli
Sarawak, Malaysia.

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    * The Labyrinth Plus! Edition

The Labyrinth Plus! Edition
version 1.51.117 For Windows XP Only

Trainer Option:
Hotkeys 	Description
Press Numpad + (Add) 	Add 1 life

    * Each time you press it, your current life will be increase by 1.
    * For example if your current life is 2, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current life is 3
    * See also Life Modifier

Press Numpad - (Subtract) 	Subtract 1 life

    * Each time you press it, your current life will be decrease by 1.
    * For example if your current life is 3, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current life is 2
    * If you press the subtract option until you reach only 1 life, the Subtract function will get disable so the game wont reach Game Over if you press the Subtract button accidentally.
    * To disable this feature, please go to Subtract Lock option

Numpad 0 	Bonus Point

    * Each time you press it, your current pointer will be increase by 1000.
    * For example if your current bonus is 200, press the hotkey 1 time, now your current bonus is 1200

Numpad 1 - 9 	Life Modifier

    * Each button represent your life increase rate.
    * For example press Numpad 5, and then press Numpad + to add your life, now instead of add 1 to your current life, you will add 5 to your current life. If your life is 2, now it will be 7.
    * Numpad 1 will be the default option.
    * This wont work with Subtract option

Press Numpad * (Multiply) 	Subtract Lock Enable

    * This option is on by default
    * It will disable the Subtract Life feature of this trainer if there is only 1 life left.
    * This is to avoid user of this trainer accidentally pressed the Subtract button and decrease they life to 0 and the game will reach Game Over.
    * To disable this feature, please go to Subtract Lock Disable below

Press Numpad / (Divide) 	Subtract Lock Disable

    * If you wish the game to reach Game Over by pressing the Subtract hotkey and force your life to reach 0, press this key to disable the Subtract Lock feature.
    * To enable the Subtract Lock, please go to Subtract Lock Enable above.

Press 1 	Freeze Current Life

    * Your current life now is freeze on wont decrease, but it may decrease when you have bonus life.
    * To disable this cheat, see below.

Press Q 	Unfreeze Current Life

    * Your life now can decrease and the game function return to normal.

Press 2 	Enable Hole Shutter Power Up

    * This will shut all the hole. The hole wont open anymore.
    * You may use this option in level that don't have Shutter Power Up.
    * To disable this cheat, see below.

Press W 	Disable Hole Shutter Power Up

    * The shutter will open as usual and only shut when you obtain the power up that shut the shutter for a period of time.
    * This mean the game will function normally.

Press 3 	Enable Ghost Power Up

    * This will give you ability to move thru wall.
    * You may use this option in level that don't have Ghost Power Up.
    * To disable this cheat, see below.

Press E 	Disable Ghost Power Up

    * You ball will move in normal manner and will only move thru wall when you obtain the Ghost Power Up.
    * If you enable this feature and wish to disable it, press this button and please give time for the ghost feature to wear off. (in second)
    * This mean the game will function normally.

Press 4 	Enable Fast Ball (Rabbit Power Up)

    * This will make your ball go very fast.
    * If you obtain Slow Ball (Turtle Power Up), your ball will go slow until the Slow Ball (Turtle Power Up) Timer depleted or until you disable the Turtle Power Up.
    * To disable this cheat, see below.

Press R 	Disable Fast Ball (Rabbit Power Up)

    * This will make your ball have normal speed.
    * This mean the game will function normally.

Press 5 	Enable Slow Ball (Turtle Power Up)

    * This will make your ball go very slow.
    * This option overpowered Fast Ball Option (Rabbit Power Up). Although Rabbit Power Up is enable. This option will overwrite it.
    * To disable this cheat, see below.

Press T 	Disable  Slow Ball (Turtle Power Up)

    * This will make your ball have normal speed.
    * This mean the game will function normally.

Press 6 	Freeze the timer (Arcade)

    * This will freeze the current time.
    * If you enable this before you enter a level or next level, the time for that level is 0:00
    * To disable this cheat, see below.

Press Y 	Unfreeze the timer (Arcade)

    * This will unfreeze the current time.
    * This mean the game will function normally.

Press 7 	Freeze the timer (Race The Clock)

    * This will freeze the current time.
    * The Timer will not decrease but it may increase if you obtain Sand Glass Power Up
    * If you enable this before you enter a level or next level, the time for that level is base on that current level default.
    * To disable this cheat, see below.

Press U 	Unfreeze the timer (Race The Clock)

    * This will unfreeze the current time.
    * This mean the game will function normally.

Bie Greets:
Sheep Jessica, Eedok & DGF, Dopey (Tsongkie), Synbios, Stonerifik, Brzi, Invader, Erhan, Sorin, Chaos, Danrevella, FrozeByte, Shinero, boyesen, DeathStar, Hotfloppy, A-jaXXX, FrozenKnight, Micral, Snake, samuraixxx, Max Power, Divine Shadow, Evobyte, Victor D.W, Marc Rile, Kevin, Sark, Tutle, David, Matt, DDH, Demented, Fahrenheit, Jetbo, Chrismas, P2P, NH2, psico, xanatos, jenettedowning, Swatto, Tom, Ann.

Too many... just email me if I forgot your name :D