Software - Vice City Camera Hack - v2.7.1
This Application was created mainly for the PC Version of RockstarsĀ© title 
GTA: Vice City.  If this Application manipulates your game or computer in 
a harmful way, I claim no responsibility.  I am not associated with Rockstar
in any way and I am distributing this Application free of charge, use at 
your own risk.
Unzip all contents to any folder you wish.

If the program fails to run then you might need the Visual Basic 6 runtimes
available from Microsoft.

If the Camera Hack causes the game to crash and you are sure the right
version is selected then you need to update your "gta-vc.exe" file to one 
that is compatible.  

You can try these no-cd EXE's;

Remember to backup original before overwriting

* You may need to Redefine your keys in Vice City to accomodate for the
  defaults of camhack

* To restore all defaults, close camhack, then delete 'config.ini' and
  '*.cam' files, restart camhack

* Default HotKeys are;
  Numpad * = Enable
  Numpad / = Disable
  Numpad 8 = Move Up
  Numpad 2 = Move Down
  Numpad 4 = Move Left
  Numpad 6 = Move Right
  Numpad + = Move Forward
  Numpad - = Move Backward
  Numpad 1 = Pivot Z Up  (used for on-foot/top-down)
  Numpad 3 = Pivot Z Down  (used for on-foot/top-down)
  Numpad 0 = Toggle Mouse Modifier
  Numpad . = Switch Modes
  Numpad 5 = Reset Position
  Key C = View Backward / Change view during replay
  Mouse Y = Pitch
  Mouse X = Yaw
  Mouse Z = Roll  (Mouse-Wheel)

  Numpad 7 = Toggle Camera Lock
  Numpad 9 = Toggle Free-Look Mode

  Left Bracket '[' = Increase FOV
  Right Bracket ']' = Decrease FOV
  (Ignore must be unchecked for FOV Keys)

  Equals '=' = Cruise Control
  DEL = Save all edited views
  END = Restore current view from file

* There are 7 Modes you can choose from;
 1. Original Modified - Adjustable version of the default camera

 2. Orbit Center - When one changes the camera angle it will always point 
                   at vehicle center

 3. Look Around - This is my favorite mode, basically allows any angle at 
                  any point on the vehicle plane

 4. Top-Down - Similar to that of the old GTA series. Height offset can be
               adjusted with Pivot Z Up/Down

 5. Original Modified (ped) - Same as above except it looks at character 

 6. Orbit Center (ped) - Same as above except it looks at character 

 7. Look Around (ped) - Same as above except it looks at character 
                        coordinates and is meant for use on bikes

* To get to the new in car views you must be at a negative view number 
  (enable show view number)

* Views are randomly generated on Mode 2 if it is not defined.

* Is not compatible with previous config.ini

1) Run Trainer/Hack

2) Edit options if needed (defaults suggested)

3) Start Vice City then press * (numpad multiply; default) to enable new 

4) You can safely Alt-Tab from Vice City and change settings
 at any time 

5) You can press / (numpad divide; default) to disable new cameras and 
   return to defaults
Version History
- Whats new in v2.7.1 on 6/14/04?
 *Fixed bug with Control Settings window, when closing, it reset other options.

- Whats new in v2.7 on 6/10/04?
 *Fixed Win9x/ME problems
 *Changed saved views file format (.cam, smaller size, faster access)
 *Now uses DirectX for Keyboard input
 *Added Cruise Control (sets cruise speed only when toggled ON; turns off
  when brake or enter/exit key is pressed ingame; works for SPRINT on-foot)
 *Added 'Restore view from file' hotkey
 *Added 'Save all edited views to file' hotkey
 *Added 'Speed Controlled FOV' and 'Zoom on cinematic view' options
 *Added 'Spherical Linear Interpolation' option (smooth transition)
 *Gear doesnt show on vehicles with less than 2 gears (heli..)
 *New default on-foot view
 *Checks config.ini version number (if less, then overwrite)

- Whats new in v2.6.3 on 5/24/04?
 *Fixed another bug when enabled
 *Fixed a Top-Down view in car bug
 *Keys dont echo outside game
 *Removed all references to DirectX7 and migrated to DirectX8
- Whats new in v2.6.2 on 5/24/04?
 *Fixed bug when enabled
 *Last fix disabled controller support and is now fixed

- Whats new in v2.6.1 on 5/24/04?
 *Fixed Freeze bug when you click 'Control Settings'
 *Fixed bug when starting game its already enabled

- Whats new in v2.6 on 5/24/04?
 *Added Controller Support
 *Added Gear Text Option
 *Added FOV Options
 *Added FOV Increase/Decrease hotkeys
 *Added Ability to choose Busted/Wasted text and color
 *Added More Slider Controls for sensitivity and speed
 *Added Ignore option to look event
 *Added Timer on shutdown
 *Fixed Fly-Mode
 *Fixed During Replays (you can now use mouse-look during replays)
 *Fixed On-Foot bug (v2.5b bug, loaded wrong view)
 *Smoother loading of views
 *Now remembers view-per-weapon by weapon id
 *Removed Combine Angles option (worthless)
 *Many other various bug fixes/features

- Whats new in v2.4 on 2/27/04?
 * Fixed bug with v1.1 on-foot (switched to classic controls)
 * Added ability to choose speedometer color
 * Added ability to show damage as percent
 * Added ability to adjust speedometer distance from top (for non-english vc)
 * Fixed bug where stunt bonus didn't show with speedometer on
 * Added ability to combine the look angle to current angle
 * Lowered camera movement speed (for fine adjustment)
 * Fixed bug where speedometer couldn't be turned off
 * Damage is displayed for last car while on foot 
   (disappears after on fire or too far)

- Whats new in v2.3 on 2/12/04?
 * Full view script
 * Now uses separate 'views.ini' file for all views
 * More international fixes
 * Added ability to just turn camera when using look left/right
 * Added more top-down options
 * Fixed Top-Down view on-foot
 * Fixed 'Use On-Foot' switch
 * Fixed several other bugs

- Whats new in v2.2 Final on 2/4/04?
 * All new matrix code; 
   - full angle offsetting 
   - proper positioning relative to 3d plane
   - top-down view

 * Fixed crash bugs for international users
 * DirectX is now used for Mouse input
 * 20 extra views per car
 * Added 'View-Per-Weapon' option (does not recognize actual weapon, just slot)
 * Added 'Show View Number' option
 * Added View Backwards HotKey (Also doubles as view button during replays)
 * Mouse Modifier can be toggled (no more holding it down)
 * Real-Time Loading (no more waiting on start-up)
 * Fixed many previous known bugs (heli bug, bail bug, etc.)
 * Hopefully a lot less crashing

- Whats new in v2.2 Beta on 1/13/04?
 * Allowed adjusting of zoom on-foot along with other adjustments
 * Fixed "Speedometer doesn't update when on mission"
 * Added more speedometer options; speedometer on-foot, damage options, styles
 * Speedometer is closer to bottom of screen
 * Fixed small bug in asm routines
 * Added "Jump Cam"; pauses game and rotates cam around vehicle when the stunt
   camera is triggered
 * Added option to save all settings on exit
 * Possible crash fixes?

- Whats new in v2.1 Final on 11/10/03?
 * Improved code, full axis support and rotations (think of a clock)
 * Programmable HotKeys (auto detection too)
 * More in-car views (14, pre configured, last 4 look at player xyz)
 * Better performance (version 2.0 caused a large FPS drop)
 * Every new view is fully customizable and is different for each car
 * All settings are saved/loaded on exit/start
 * Speedometer and other text displays
 * New program Icon
 * More readme notes
 * Many other bugs fixed
 * Many new options 

- Whats new in v2.0 on 10/15/03?
 * Updated to Non-Beta status
 * Added support for Vice City v1.1
 * Added 'Alternate Hide' for on-foot (clips anything close to cam using +/-)

- Whats new in Beta 4 on 10/15/03?
 * Faster code, no more jittering (pure ASM)
 * Added 7 new car views on top of original views (total of 12 views)
 * Added base camera option
 * Automatically turns off when stunt camera change occours
 * Added speed multiplier for on-foot (only when trying to hide head)
 * Added new program icon
 * Improved Readme

- Whats new in Test 3 on 10/4/03?
 * Enable works when starting new game
 * Camera 2 is also affected, but turns around in reverse
 * Mouse-Look in-car!

- Whats new in Test 2?
 *second release, i forgot what was updated

- Whats new in Test 1?
 *first release

Known Bugs
* Drivers hands tend to flicker while driving
* Bug when trying to change your view on 'RC Vehicles' missions

Test Specs
Tested on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise w/DirectX 9.0b

Contact - Special Thanks
Made by Racer_S (Dave Skotnicki): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special Thanks to:
