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   _ ________________________________\  _______  _______  /_____________ _
 _________ ________ ______________ _____\___   \/      /_______ __ __________
 \____    \\    __//     __    __/ \____    \         /   _    _\/_\_____    \
.----/   _/    _/__\     \    _/___/   /   _/        .    /   /    \    /   _/
|the/    \     \/  _\     \   \/  _   /    \ \      .    /  _/     /   / 56!\|
|...\_____________________/_______\___\     \ \    /    /   \______\___\_____|
|:         .--.                        \     \ .  /    /      /             :|
|:  ....   -oO-   -..-          __ _  _ \     \  /    /   ___/______ _______:|
|:  -Oo- .-\--/-. -OO-   .::.   \  ______\__   \/    /   \\____    //       _/
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|:| .  . | |  | | .  . |-\--/-......\    \|        /      .  \__   __\      \\
:                                                                            :
                     Fantastic Four +1 Trainer (c) TRDOGS
                          - ----------+---------- -
                                      | Genre:      for cheating bitches
                                      : Disks:      1
                                      . Protection: 2 cases of beer and 1/4oz
 .                                   -+-                                    .
 .                                    :                                     .
::                                                                          ::
|:   .- -- ------------------------------------.   .------------------------:|
+----:---. r e l e a s e   i n f o .:::::::::: '---:-------------------------+
|.---'   `------------------------------------ -- -'                        .|
:                                                                            :
   right back at ya with another trainer for that new fantastic four game, 
   btw TNT nice nukes recently, keep up the good work! 

   Anyway for all the women and those too stupid to figure out a trainer 
   here is the instructions:

   Pressing F12 will give infinite health on you and enemies.
   Press CTRL+F12 to turn it off.
   How does this make the game easier to play?
   Turn on when you are getting hit, turn off when you are attacking.  
 .                                                                          .
::                                                                          ::
|:   .- -- ------------------------------------.   .------------------------:|
+----:---. G r o u p      n o t e s .:::::::: '---:-------------------------+
|.---'   `------------------------------------ -- -'                        .|
:                                                                            :

      We are currently looking for suppliers and crackers only. We are a no
      B.S. group, just looking to have fun and release an occasional title.
      We really need crackers that can crack serial #'s, asprotect, armadillo,
      and simple cd-checks, cd cops, or STARFORCE using protection holes.
      All crackers who join will be highly rewarded. Blowjobs from spanish
      prostitues, cases of pabst blue ribbon, and ounces of mexican dirt weed.
      If you think you can help please contact us through your local scener.
      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
      or #bearcave on efnet

     __ _______________________  ________ __
:___\\ _\  _        _ __      ///__     /_ //________________________________:
|.  ___\___/          _/    _/    /      /__                                .|
|:\ \     //    :     \     \  . //     /  / /-the  r e s e r v o i r  d()gs-|
|:.\ \   /      |     |\     . |/      /  / /.... nfo by: barium ....:|
           _ __________|\__________ _