         KetallicA's Diablo Item Editor - Version 3.0

     7 August 1999 Version 3.0:
     * High and Negative values -2147483648 to 2147483647
        (Before 0 to 16777215)
     * Better Code (+Updated to VB5)
     * Fixed Save Bug (If a changed value did not lost focus
       it would not be saved)
     * New open Dialog
     * Better Browse System (The old "Open" is called "Browse")
     * 6 Control Codes
     * Options

     12 December 1998 Version 2:
     * Graphic!!!
     * Better file system with icons
        (supports large file names)
     * More and better buttons
     * Item name in window list
     * Fixed Create Ear graphic bug
     * Fixed Cancel Save Bug
     * Added:
       * +To Hit
       * +STR
       * +DEX
       * +Mana
       * Magic Type
       * +Damage% 2
       * Res Fire, Light., Magic
       * Prefix
       * Suffix
       * Usable
       * Absorbtion & Angel Spell Increase

     12 November 1998 BETA 1:
     * First released version


        KetallicA (Kenneth Larsson)
     E-mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
     Web Page: http://members.xoom.com/ketallica/


     If you have a question: Check out the F.A.Q. on my
     homepage. If you can't find your answere there, mail me!


     Send me mail for any bugs you find or for
     suggestions in how it can be improved.
