Follow the instructions and make sure that you have done everything right before you start complaining.

1. Apply the all cards.reg. This is the most important file and is mostly forgotten in other savegames. I changed my dirs of Yugi Oh Power of Chaos, so you have to change them to your dirs (the common dir and from joey the passion). Make sure that you have written the directories exactly(it is better to copy them) otherwise it won't work. For all who don't know how to work with the registry I have written som help at the end of this readme.
2. Copy the system.dat  from Yugi to your power of chaos common dir (C:\Programme\Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Common)
3. Copy the deck.ydc from Yugi to your Yugi the Destiny dir (C:\Programme\Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos YUGI THE DESTINY)
4. Copy the system.dat from Kaiba to your Common dir
5. Copy the deck.ydc from kaiba to your kaiba the revenge dir (C:\Programme\Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos KAIBA THE REVENGE)
6. Copy the system.dat from Joey the passion to your common dir(for the last time ;)
7. copy the deck.ydc from Joey to your Joey the Passion Dir(C:\Programme\Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos JOEY THE PASSION)
8. Start the game and have fun.

If for any reason the savegame doesn't work try to copy the alljoeykaibayugi.ydc from joey to your common dir and import it in joey the passion

Registry Tutorial:

ok I made this tutorial for all who never worked with the registry.
The registry can be opened with the launch command in the start menu by tipping regedit
ok then you can see 5 directories, hkey_classes_root, hkey_current_user, hkey_local_machine, hkey_users and hkey_current_config
for us only hkey_current_machine is interesting. open it and then software and konami.
thats where the instalol and game informations for yugi oh is saved.
the keys for the directories can be found under hkey_local_machine>software>konami>Yugi Oh! Power of Chaos>system
change the common dir key by double clicking it with the left mouse button and change it to your common dir(llok above for the standart dir, can vary depending on where you have installed yugi oh)
after you have done this you need to change the InstallDirJ to your Yugi Oh Joey the Passion dir. do it like above.
then you can simply quit the registry, it saves from alone.

Hope I could help a bit and please forgive my english, im still in school :(((