 -                                          -
 - ZZTrainer for Zanzarah v1.0008 (English) -
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	Thanks for reading this. Most people don't. First let me just
say that this was my first trainer ever. It was a GREAT learning experience.
This trainer was coded in %100 API based C. The rest of my trainers will
be written in pure win32asm as my experience with coding full apps grows.
I tried to keep this trainer small though and I think I have. Anyway,Enjoy!


	This trainer has 6 options that you can choose from. Below is a little
write up on each option. First though, to use this trainer, just double click
exe and then run the game. The trainer does not have to be in the same directory
as the game.

F6: Disables all cheats...easy enough.

F7: Unlimited Flying Time means that you'll be able to fly around forever while
    in a fairy duel.

F8: Unlimited Health keeps your health from decreasing during fairy duels.

F9: Unlimited Coins & Crystals keeps your money from ever decreasing. It does
    not give you a max amount to start with. You'll be able to get a load of
    money fast enough with this.

F10:Unlimited Inventory works the same as the F9 option. It just keeps anything
    from decreasing.

F11:Unlimited Mana keeps your mana from decreasing during a fairy duel.

F12:Extra Points For Fairy Duel Win is exactly what it says. Instead of getting
    only a few points when you duel with a fairy, you'll get about 3/4 more of
    original total. This is great in the begining of the game, but once you have
    the golden carrots it's really useless since you can just use unlimitied 
    inventory and always have your fairys one point away from the next level.

Known bugs

	None that I have found. I've tested this trainer by going through the
game and beating it. The game crashed on me once, but I was never able to duplicate
it again.

Cheers mates,