-------  Edited AI & CFG' Files   -------

Feature : 
    - Animals become very happy in your zoo &  never-never angry with you !
    - Animal's life become more longer
    - Birth rate become higher and  shorter periodic ( more animal chlidren that you can sell )
2. Staff become more speed.
3. Very easy to get more cash with your merchandise
4. Your zoo become more beautifull with edited foliage and stuff

With these feature your game become very-very easy  and  not a challenging game anymore  !

Instruction :

1. Unzip ztd's file in your game directory, these files are : Guests.ztd ; paths.ztd ; scenery.ztd ;
   items.ztd ; animals2.ztd ; ai.ztd ; and staff.ztd
2. -  Unzip staff.zip to staff directory
   -   Unzip paths.zip to paths directory
   -   Unzip items.zip to items directory
   -   Unzip guests.zip to guests directory
   -   Unzip animals.zip to animals directory
   -   Unzip scenery other to scenery\other directory
   -   Unzip scenery foliage  to scenery\foliage directory
   -   Unzip scenery building  to scenery\building directory
3. Enjot it  ..

NOTE :  If you don't like those change just delete your directory that just created.

any comment just mail me : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Class = animals
Type = panda
Subtype = 
DefaultSubtype = m

m = animals/panda/m
f = animals/panda/m
y = animals/panda/y

Icon = animals/panda/icpanda/icpanda


cKeeperFoodType = herbivore
cGeneralInfoTextName = PANDA_GENERAL
cFoodInfoTextName = PANDA_ANIMAL
cHabitatInfoTextName = PANDA_HABITAT
cBehaviorInfoTextName = PANDA_BEHAVIOR
cKeeperInfoTextName = PANDA_KEEPER
cPlaqueImageName = animals/panda/plpanda/plpanda
cListImageName = animals/panda/lsmpanda/lsmpanda

cPrefIcon = objects/bamboo/SE/SE

; bamboo
cKeeperFoodType = 3

; Bamboo
cPrefIconID = 7016

; Giant Panda
cNameID = 5001
cHelpID = 5001
; Racoon
cFamily = 5201
; Panda
cGenus = 5101
; Highlands
cHabitat = 9407
; China
cLocation = 9605
cPurchaseCost = 500
cInitialHappiness  = 90
cSlowRate = 24
cMediumRate = 24
cFastRate = 24
cFootprintX = 1
cFootprintY = 2

cCaptivity = 2
cNoFoodChange  = 50
cSickChange = 20	
cOtherAnimalSickChange = 5		
cCrowdHappinessChange = 50
cOtherAnimalAngryChange = 0 
cNumberMinChange = 5
cNumberMaxChange = 50
cAllCrowdedChange = 5
cAngryHabitatChange = 15
cVeryAngryHabitatChange = 30
cDeathChange = 10 
cNoMateChange = 15
cNotEnoughKeepersChange = 30
cAngryTreeChange = 10

cBabyBornChange = 99
cHappyHabitatChange = 99

cMaxHits  = 440
cMinHits  = 0
cPctHits  = 50

cHungerThreshold  = 50
cHungerIncrement  = 1
cNeededFood = 5
cKeeperFoodUnitsEaten = 5
cHungryHealthChange = 1

cSickChance = 1

cEnergyThreshold = 100 
cEnergyIncrement  = 50	
cMaxEnergy = 100

cCrowd = 10

cKeeperFrequency = 4

cSocial = 1
cHabitatSize = 100
cNumberAnimalsMin = 2
cNumberAnimalsMax = 10
cAnimalDensity = 20

cPctHabitat = 25
cHabitatPreference = 70

cDirtyHabitatRating = 50
cDirtyIncrement = 1
cDirtyThreshold = 100

cReproductionChance = 2 
cReproductionInterval = 1000
cBabyToAdult = 2160
cHappyReproduceThreshold = 50
cOffspring = 1
cMatingType = 1

cIsJumper = 1
cIsClimber = 0
cBashStrength = 15

cFlies = 0
cSwims = 0

cEscapedChange = 30

cSickTime = 0

cMimic = 0
cMimicHappyDiff = 0

cOtherFood = 0
cFoodTypes = 0

cTreePref = 13
cRockPref = 2
cSpacePref = 50 
cElevationPref = 0

cTimeDeath = 22960
cDeathChance = 1 

cEatVegetationChance = 15
cDrinkWaterChance = 5
cChaseAnimalChance = 2
cClimbsCliffs = 0

cBuildingUseChance = 10

cAttractiveness = 99
cNeedShelter = 1

cChaseAnimalChance = 20
cIsJumper = 0
cAttractiveness = 500

;Primitive ungulates		
v = 5200
v = 20
v = 5201
v = 15
v = 5202
v = 20
v = 5203
v = 15
;Odd-toed ungulates		
v = 5204
v = 10
;Even-toed ungulates			
v = 5205
v = 10
v = 5206
v = 20
v = 5207
v = 20
v = 5208
v = 20
v = 5210
v = 15
v = 5211
v = 15
v = 5212
v = 15
v = 5213
v = 20
v = 5214
v = 5
v = 5215
v = 5
v = 5216
v = 25
v = 5217
v = 25

v = 5001
v = 45

v = 9410
v = 10
;Tropical rainforest
v = 9405
v = -25
v = 9400
v = -5
v = 9401
v = -5
;Deciduos forest
v = 9402
v = -3
;Coniferous forest
v = 9403
v = -3
v = 9407
v = 3
v = 9408
v = -5
v = 9409
v = -25
v = 9413
v = -10
v = 9414
v = -100

v = 7073
v = -8
v = 7025
v = -8
v = 7064
v = -8
v = 7071
v = -8
v = 7070
v = 5
v = 7072
v = 2
v = 7016
v = 12
v = 9200
v = 6
v = 9205
v = 3
v = 9206
v = 3
v = 9224
v = 6
v = 9210
v = 6
v = 6062
v = -10

;Rock cave 1
v = 8100
v = 15
;Panda cave
v = 8103
v = 25
v = 8107
v = 13
v = 8107
v = 16
v = 8109
v = 18
v = 8110
v = 13
v = 8111
v = 16
v = 8112
v = 18

; grass = 0
; savannah grass = 1
; sand = 2
; dirt = 3
; rainforest floor = 4
; brown rock = 5
; gray rock = 6
; gravel = 7
; snow = 8
; fresh water = 9
; salt water = 10
; deciduous floor = 11
; waterfall = 12
; coniferous floor = 13
; concrete = 14
; asphalt = 15
; trampled = 16

v = 16
v = 0

v = 0
v = 8

v = 2
v = -5

v = 4
v = -5

v = 6
v = 5

v = 8
v = 5

v = 9
v = 2

v = 10
v = -20

v = 13
v = 80

;[Basic Personality]
; Doesn't like to be in the zoo (higher cCaptivity)
; Very rarely reproduces (low cReproductionChance)
; Gets hungry faster than most animals (Higher cHungerIncrement)
; Happy when a keeper visits (Higher cKeeperArrivesChange)
; Low hits (cMaxHits) represents relative fragilness of panda

idle = stand
stand = stand
climb = climb
growl = growl
head_to_ground = headgrnd
stand_hind = hindstnd
stand_hind_idle = hindidle
eat = eat
lick = lick
somersault = somer
spin = spin
splash = splash
sniff = stand2
swat_paw = swatpaw
walk = walk
rub_face = rubface
rub_pole = rubpole
scratch_ground = scrhgrnd
shake = shake
jump_high = highjump
run = walk

;From lying down
lie_down = liedown
lie_eat_bamboo = lieeatbb
lie_idle = lieidle
lie_paw = liepaw
lie_roll = lieroll
lie_rub = lierub
lie_rub_ground = grndrub
lie_scratch = liescrch

;From sitting
sit = sit
sit_to_lie = sittolie
sit_lick_paw = sitbpaw
sit_eat_bamboo = siteatbb
sit_idle = sitidle
sit_noise = sitnoise
sit_paw = sitpaw
sit_rub = sitrub
sit_scooch = sitscoo
sit_scratch = sitscrch
sit_swat = sitswat
sit_somerersault = sitsomer

; Box animations
box_idle = objects/box/idle/idle.ani
box_used = objects/box/used/used.ani

idle = stand
stand = stand
climb = climb
growl = growl
head_to_ground = headgrnd
stand_hind = hindstnd
stand_hind_idle = hindidle
eat = eat
lick = lick
somersault = somer
spin = spin
splash = splash
sniff = stand2
swat_paw = swatpaw
walk = walk
rub_face = rubface
rub_pole = rubpole
scratch_ground = scrhgrnd
shake = shake
jump_high = walk
run = walk

;From lying down
lie_down = liedown
lie_eat_bamboo = lieeatbb
lie_idle = lieidle
lie_paw = liepaw
lie_roll = lieroll
lie_rub = lierub
lie_rub_ground = grndrub
lie_scratch = liescrch

;From sitting
sit = sit
sit_to_lie = sittolie
sit_lick_paw = sitbpaw
sit_eat_bamboo = siteatbb
sit_idle = sitidle
sit_noise = sitnoise
sit_paw = sitpaw
sit_rub = sitrub
sit_scooch = sitscoo
sit_scratch = sitscrch
sit_swat = sitswat
sit_somerersault = sitsomer

; Box animations
box_idle = objects/box/idle/idle.ani
box_used = objects/box/used/used.ani

;lie_rub_ground, lie_eat_bamboo, and lie_scratch all need to 
;follow lie_roll.  

chirp = panda1
chirp = 1300
grunt = panda2
grunt = 1300
moan = panda3
moan = 1300
yelp = panda4
yelp = 1700

f = fPlaySetProb(bIdle1,20,bHappy1,50,bNoise1,10,bHappy2,20)

f = fPlaySetProb(bHappy3,50,bIdle2,30,bNoise2,20)

f = fPlaySetProb(bCalm1,50,bIdle1,30,bIdle2,20)

f = fPlaySetProb(bIdle1,50,bIdle2,50)

f = fPlaySetProb(bUneasy1,50,bNoise1,30,bIdle2,20)

f = fPlaySetProb(bTense1,40,bAngry3,20,bIdle3,20,bNoise1,20)

f = fPlaySetProb(bAngry1,30,bAngry2,30,bIdle3,20,bNoise3,20)

f = fPlaySetProb(bIdle1,30,bHappy1,20,bNoise1,20,bIdle2,30)

f = fPlaySetProb(Baby1,40,bBaby2,40,bIdle1,20)

;f = fPlaySetProb(bToy3,20,bSpray1,20,bLog1,20,bToy1,20,bToy2,20)

;f = fPlaySetProb(bPlayToys,50,bIdle1,20,bHappy2,20,bNoise1,10)

;f = fPlaySetProb(bPlayToy,50,bIdle2,30,bNoise2,20)

;f = fPlayWithSound(somersault,chirp)
;f = fPlayWithSound(sit_noise,chirp)
;f = fPlayWithSound(sit_noise,grunt)
;f = fPlayWithSound(sit_noise,moan)
;f = fPlayWithSound(sit_noise,yelp)
;f = fPlayWithSound(growl,chirp)
;f = fPlayWithSound(growl,grunt)
;f = fPlayWithSound(growl,moan)
;f = fPlayWithSound(growl,yelp)

f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlayWithSound(somersault,chirp)
f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlayWithSound(somersault,chirp)
f = fPlayTime(stand,4)
f = fPlay(spin)
f = fWalk(0,0)
f = fPlay(stand)  

f = fPlay(shake)
f = fPlayTime(stand,6)
f = fWalk(0,0)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,chirp)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlay(sit)
f = fPlay(sit_lick_paw)
f = fPlayTime(sit_idle,6)
f = fPlayWithSound(sit_noise,chirp)
f = fPlayReverse(sit)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlay(sniff)
f = fPlay(sit)
f = fPlayTime(sit_idle,8)
f = fPlayWithSound(sit_noise,chirp)
f = fPlayTime(sit_idle,4)
f = fPlayPingPong(sit_eat_bamboo)
f = fPlayTime(sit_idle,6)
f = fPlayReverse(sit)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlayWithSound(sit_rub,moan1)
f = fWalk(0,0)
f = fPlay(stand_hind)
f = fPlayTime(stand_hind_idle,4)
f = fPlayReverse(stand_hind)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fWalk(0,0)
f = fPlayTime(stand,7)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,grunt)
f = fPlay(sniff)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,moan)
f = fWalk(0,0)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,yelp)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fWalk(0,0)
f = fPlayTime(stand,6)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,yelp)
f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlay(splash)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,moan)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlay(swat_paw)
f = fWalk(0,0)
f = fPlay(sniff)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,moan)
f = fPlay(stand_hind)
f = fPlayTime(stand_hind_idle,3)
f = fPlayReverse(stand_hind)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,yelp)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlay(sniff)
f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,grunt)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlay(lie_down)
f = fPlayTime(lie_idle,16)
f = fPlayReverse(lie_down)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlay(lie_down)
f = fPlayTime(lie_idle,12)
f = fPlay(lie_paw)
f = fPlayReverse(lie_down)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,chirp)
f = fPlay(sniff)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fWalk(0,0)
f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,moan)
f = fPlay(sniff)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,yelp)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlayTime(swat_paw,6)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,grunt)
f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlayWithSound(growl,yelp)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlay(lie_down)
f = fPlayTime(lie_idle,21)
f = fPlayReverse(lie_down)

f = fPlay(lie_down)
f = fPlayTime(lie_idle,5)
f = fPlayTime(lie_idle,5)
f = fDie()

f = fWalk(keeperfood,0)
f = fPlaySet(bEat)

f = fWalk(otherfood,0)
f = fPlaySet(bEat)

f = fFaceTowardFood()
f = fPlay(stand)
f = fPlay(head_to_ground)
f = fPlayTime(eat,8)
f = fPlayReverse(head_to_ground)
f = fPlay(lick)
f = fPlay(stand)

f = fPlay(lie_down)
f = fPlayTime(lie_idle,21)
f = fPlayReverse(lie_down)

f = fMove(prey,0,"walk",30)

f = fMove(0,0,"walk",30)

f = fFollow(keeper)

f = fPlay(stand)
f = fWalk(mother,0)

f = fPlay(stand)
f = fWalk(mother,0)

f = fPlayTime(stand,10)

f = fPlayTime(stand,10)

f = fPlay(stand)

f = fWalk(0,0)

f = fMove(0,0,walk,30)

f = fPlayWithSound(box_used,placesound)

;a = -100
;a = 100
;b = bSoundtest1
a = 81
a = 100
b = bHappy
a = 61
a = 80
b = bFriendly
a = 21
a = 60
b = bCalm
a = -20
a = 20
b = bNeutral
a = -60
a = -21
b = bUneasy
a = -80
a = -61
b = bTense
a = -100
a = -81
b = bAngry