¨U  Open the trainer.                    ¨U¡ö             
¨U  Tested to work with the full version.¨U¡ö	   	©°©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©´	
¨U  Key:		Cheat:			¨d¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨e+:: Shout Out©¦
¨U			             	¨U¡ö		©¸©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©Ð©¤©¤©¼       	
¨U  Numpad 7	Health ON		¨U¡ö	       		   ©¦
¨U  Numpad 8	Ammo ON			¨U¡ö  ¨X¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨k
¨U  Numpad 9 	Lock Gun		¨U¡ö  ¨U Me, God (hell no...), Raven, Eliss,Shaikh  ¨U¡ö
¨U  Numpad 4	Health OFF		¨U¡ö  ¨Uand ILA plus the rest of extalia.	    ¨U¡ö
¨U  Numpad 5	Ammo OFF		¨U¡ö  ¨^¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T
¨U  Numpad 6 	Unlock Gun		¨U¡ö   
¨U  Numpad 1	Fire Upgrade ON		¨U¡ö	       	           
¨U  Numpad 2	Weapon upgrade ON	¨U¡ö	       	¨X¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨[         
¨U  Numpad 3	Weapon Upgrade OFF	¨c©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©Ð©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤¨f+:: Join Us¨U	 
¨U  Numpad 0	Fire Upgrade oFF 	¨U¡ö     ©¦      	¨^¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨a
¨U  Insert	Add Weapon		¨U¡ö     ©¦       	
¨U  Delete	Subtract Weapon		¨U¡ö     ©¦       	
¨U  Home		Add Perks		¨U¡ö    ¨X¨k¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T
¨U  End		Subtract Perks          ¨U¡ö    ¨U  If you think you're good enough to join     ¨U¡ö
¨U  Page Up	Add Experience          ¨U¡ö    ¨U the extalia project and release various      ¨U¡ö	
¨U  Page Down	Subtract Experience     ¨U¡ö    ¨U trainers/editors then don't hesitate to      ¨U¡ö	
¨U  F8 Key	Auto Click ON           ¨U¡ö    ¨U fill out the membership application!         ¨U¡ö	
¨U  F9 Key	Auto Click OFF          ¨U¡ö    ¨U    					     ¨U¡ö
¨U  1 Key	Sheild ON               ¨U¡ö    ¨U   					     ¨U¡ö
¨U  2 Key 	Sheild OFF              ¨U¡ö    ¨U  Simply visit the URL below and fill in      ¨U¡ö
¨U  3 Key	Reflex ON               ¨U¡ö    ¨U the form:	                             ¨U¡ö
¨U  4 Key	Reflex OFF              ¨U¡ö    ¨U	                                      ¨U¡ö
¨U  5 Key	Freeze ON               ¨U¡ö    ¨Uhttp://www.extalia.com/home/index.php?sel=join¨U¡ö	
¨U  6 Key	Freeze OFF              ¨U¡ö    ¨^¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T
¨U  7 Key	Speed ON		¨U¡ö     
¨U  8 Key	Speed OFF               ¨U¡ö    