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³                         Reviewer's Guild Reviews                            ³
³                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                           ³
³                    Plane Crazy Unlimited Creds Trainer                      ³
³                            Release Information                              ³
³                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                             ³
³  Release Type : Trainer                 Trained By : Gogolie                ³
³  Release Date : April 9th, '98         Packaged By : TraderX                ³
³                               Release Notes                                 ³
³                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                ³
³  Gogolie is back with a new trainer for the awesome game Plane Crazy! This  ³
³  trainer will give you unlimited credits to fully upgrade your planes!      ³
³                                                                             ³
³  To run the trainer, go into Championship mode and choose your plane etc..  ³
³  Then alt-tab out of the game and run the trainer!                          ³
³                                                                             ³
³  TRG is proud to announce that we have started up a mailing list. The .txt  ³
³  portion of all reviews released, will be mailed to all those on the list,  ³
³  immediately after release. Great for those who run Linux, or anybody else  ³
³  looking to get a quick peak at the latest games! If you want to see screen ³
³  shots from any of the reviews, you will still need to download the .ZIP    ³
³  review from any of our sites. To get included on the mailing list, just do ³
³  the following:                                                             ³
³                                                                             ³
³    1) Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                   ³
³    2) Write  'subscribe'  (without the ' please) in the BODY of the         ³
³       message. Write nothing else, just that one word.                      ³
³    3) Sit back, and watch the reviews flow to your address! If you          ³
³       have questions, just mail us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                  ³
³                                                                             ³
³  Its just that simple. So what are you waiting for, customer service is     ³
³  just an email away! A big thanks goes out to Darwin for his help!          ³
³                             Important Notice                                ³
³                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                               ³
³   You will need the TRG Viewer in order to read this review. You will be    ³
³ able to pick the latest viewer from our web page, or our public ftp sites.  ³
³ It is located in the folder/directory " Review.Reader.3-TRG " Installation  ³
³        instructions are also included. Special thanx to Warez Poet.         ³
³                                  The Team                                   ³
³                                 ~~~~~~~~~~                                  ³
³  Brab, Cockroach, Concept, Cynarpse 6, Daxx, Exile, Freddy Krueger, Gen 98, ³
³  Gogolie, Hermes, Heron, Highlander, Imagine, Madman, Jove, Ned, Nethead,   ³
³  Nic Zak, Nilse, Pcfil, Phire, Prolix, Skateguy, Snipez, Speedy, Stikman,   ³
³                Syko, Toast, Trademark, TraderX, Vex, Zhang.                 ³
³                                                                             ³
³  * If you're not listed, and you think you should be, please contact c6 *   ³
³                            The Reviewer's Guild                             ³
³                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                            ³
³                        Come visit us on the Web at:                         ³
³                                                                             ³
³                           http://trguild.ml.org                             ³
³                        http://qtq.parodium.com/trg/                         ³
³                                                                             ³
³        You can grab all our latest review at these sites for FREE!          ³
³                                                                             ³
³    We have also setup a Public FTP site where you can download all the      ³
³                           reviews absolute FREE                             ³
³                                                                             ³
³          Address:   L: trg  P: trg     Port: 21              ³
³              L: trg  P: trg     Port: 812             ³
³              L: trg  P: trg     Port: 22              ³
³                                                                             ³
³                                                                             ³
³                        The Reviewer's Guild Greets                          ³
³                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                         ³
³  Groups - Class, Hybrid, Paradigm, Razor 1911, and all other game groups    ³
³           who release reviewable software to keep us busy. A greet to all   ³
³           those at Scenelink and Defacto2 as well.                          ³
³                                                                             ³
³  Personal - To all our readers & supporters & our crew.                     ³
³                                                                             ³

³                                                                            ³
³                     Wanna help us out? Further below!                      ³
³                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     ³
³     TRG is always looking for support from our loyal fans out there!       ³
³      If you are a user, staff, or siteop on a FTP site, or BBS, you        ³
³   can surely help!  Simply ask or allow the site to carry TRG reviews!     ³
³    either allow it in your site, or make a /REVIEWS dir or confrence!      ³
³    You will not regret it! The downloaders of fine games, brought to       ³
³   you by today's pirate scene will benefit greatly from the new found      ³
³                               conveinence!                                 ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Studies of top sites reveal that at least %20 of all users download      ³
³                     TRG reviews!  Why wait? Act Now!                       ³
³                                                                            ³

³                         Help wanted advertisements:                         ³
³                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                        ³
³          The Reviewers Guild is on the lookout for new members!  We         ³
³          are in the process of solidifying the group, so time is to         ³
³          act now!                                                           ³
³                                                                             ³
³         * If you are a FAN of a specific type of game: whether it be        ³
³           Turn based startegy, European football, chess, board games,       ³
³           Cricket, racing, etc, we need YOU to review for us!               ³
³                                                                             ³
³         * If you are an UNBAISED (ie: not in any current games group)       ³
³           individual with GOOD english skills, you may apply for reviewing. ³
³           there is a rather large waiting list, so only those on fast       ³
³           internet connections or experience will get special treatment.    ³
³           * note - fans of european games not need perfect english =)       ³
³                                                                             ³
³         * If you are an artist, programmer, or anything else that can       ³
³           be of value to TRG, contact us!                                   ³
³                                                                             ³
³                                                                             ³
³  Contact Info - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                     ³
³                 Irc: #TRG (Efnet)                                           ³
³                 or /Msg FKrueger                                            ³
                                          Last updated: 04/04/98 by Cynarpse 6