Etrom - the Astral Essence +10 Trainer

HotKey    Name                        Description
~~~~~~    ~~~~                        ~~~~~~~~~~~
          Infinite HP                 Actually 10,000 HP. Will refresh
                                      in the main screen, not the inventory.
          Infinite AP                 Same as above just with AP.
          Perfect HP Potion           All HP potions used will give full HP.
          Perfect AP Potion           Same as above just with AP.
F6        Infinite Ammo               Ammo is not being decreased.
F7        Fast Level Up               Every kill raises you to the next level.
F8        Infinite Skill Points       As written. make sure to use ALL your
                                      SPs in order to be able to approve.
F9        +10,000 Cash                Buy something by *dragging & dropping*
                                      it into your inventory.
          10,000 to Weapon's Max Dmg  Point over the weapon in the inventory
                                      to make it's max dmg 10,000.
          Item's Level Required to 1  Wanna use an item but your level sux?
                                      Haha! Point over this item in the

Note: The 'Fast Level Up' DOES work. play a bit to understand why you're still
      can't raise any stats!